Random Kiwi 007 ID: 19f410 SorosCinda's Green buddy March 23, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.5855209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Has anyone managed to find any connections with Eugene Sage and Richard Suggate and their company Barcola? With HRC (by default as she is SorosCinda's best buddy), or John "Pedoesta" ? (by default as HRCs pedo pimp).. But wondered if anyone had come across connections


Re all the sea container survival bunkers arriving into the country, I would like any West Coast Qanons to please find out who owns the property JUST South of the block of land "given" to Sage by doc

One of "their" mates? Building little lakes, with beaches and one with an island.

A hell of a lot of work going on, and if go to the Consents page of The Buller Council…. funny how NO consents shown listed there….

Underground bunkers?

I would be sending a drone over, or doing a night op in if I lived there, but I'm a Northy


A number of OIA requests (which legally should be replied to in 21 days) by various citizens have still returned no results to expose the shonky deal


Come on patriots, think about the most logical place to "escape" to in the event of the elitist cabal pedo club been exposed and taken down…? It's not rocket science


An ENGLISH speaking country, as remote as possible, a country with full gun control and a socialist society… And one that is "anti Trump", yep… Thanks to the effen NZ media (owned by WaPo)


Now how many have you got left? 2…? Yes, but the Chatham Islands are just a bit to far source all the "things" (ugh) they "desire".


Gods Own is no longer Gods


Where is the most ideal place (which is also rather pretty), the West Coast… Nice and remote, just beside the coast for "night ops" for importing / exporting "stuff", like child sex slaves, drugs, dead baby parts, adrenochrome, etc


The false flag op has accelerated NZ to the sort of society that they want. They don't want a militia of 200k NZ hunters with semi-autos against them


Come on guys, Sage is in the thick of all the Agenda 21 shit, doesn't take rocket science to work that out in regard to 1080, and the fact that in her "introduced animals to control" document homo sapiens are at the top


Take out the "cunters" (yeah, Kiwis understand that one) guns, and their food, fuck the environment with 1080, all in the "ocrazy green deal" ideology of what? Evil, money and control.


Victory Loves Preparation

Kia Kaha