>>4722834 Mirror :- Donald Trump is an anarchist at heart. He accepted the job of President - to transition earth to a Type 0 Civilization, living in symbiotic Ortegrity. He COULD have become a solipsistic [richly insulated] golf-ball chaser. He could build walls around mansions on islands and live comfy - watching the tards cannibalize and Ouroboros up their own arse.
But he hasn't done that.
Donald Trump is exposing Traitors [and worse] - nz has long been a testing-ground for certain cretins - butt that stopped when the pay-plays were exposed.
Peter Thiel in nz? … many people have issue with pay"pal" - the concept compromised yet continues 'cause tards keep using it. don't complain. just stop enabling it.
NZ NEEDS more people like James Cameron: In 2012, Cameron, his wife and his children adopted a vegan diet. Cameron explains that "By changing what you eat, you will change the entire contract between the human species and the natural world".
When asked what's the best thing an individual can do to fight climate change, Cameron said, "Stop eating animals."
Cameron and his wife are featured in Eating You Alive, a 2016 American documentary. His The Game Changers (2017) showcases vegan athletes and other icons.
Also, when Sikhs move into a village or region crime reduces. Logically.
Butt by kNOW you're likely hard against your "wall" and thinking [or worse] violent stuff… or not? hope knot. Just recall Israel has highest plant-based per capita. What do they know?