Anonymous ID: 95a140 Jan. 28, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.4948755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A very interesting article from a narrative point of view


Is NZ MSM positioning against the Prime Minister?

This anon has a feeling something is shifting in the background in this country


Andrew Dickens: Where's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gone?

29 Jan, 2019 2:26pm


The suspicion is rising that Jacinda Ardern likes to be a spokesperson for a Government and a figurehead for the world but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of being a leader the job is a little difficult.


Chris Trotter last December noted the number of times that Jacinda Ardern seemed to be sidelined by her ministers seemingly making decisions without her knowing. Phil Twyford in particular seemed to change policies at a whim and when the Prime Minister was asked she seemed often unaware.


Looking back at the last three prime ministers we've had (Clark, John Key and Bill English) none would ever tolerate finding out about policy from the news media. And if they did butts would be kicked.


There is also the unwillingness to discipline the miscreants. Clare Curran took an age to be told off. Meka Whaitiri. Iain Lees-Galloway.


Then there is the plethora of working groups. At first I was tolerant but now the whole thing seems to be taking an age. Other people are charged with doing the thinking rather than the government.


There appears to be a leadership vacuum.

The Prime Minister we have seems happiest when selling other people's ideas and I'm starting to wonder what her ideas are.

And further to that there's the fear that she might not have any ideas at all.