Anonymous ID: e95629 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.4682383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3570


Refugees from the Indus Valley civilization may have ended up in New Zealand.


They went by way of Persia, Central America, Peru, and Easter Island. Verified by DNA. Their descendants are still in NZ and they tell of being refugees from the epic war described in the Mahabarata.


There was also a Celtic migration at some point.


The puppetmasters have been trying to destroy this history under the guise of political correctness. For the Maori, they want to get their land gibs in, so that if it becomes widely known that they were not the first people, the land gibs will not be reversible. What is really fucked is that all Kiwis had the basic story as recently as the 1960s, complete with history books and ruins and skeletons and everything, but there has been a concerted effort to memory-hole all that.


Maybe the Indus Valley civilization directly preserved knowledge of the mother civilization- knowledge that THEY are trying to erase. Around the world, there are stories of ancient sea people who brought civilization.


>Have a surprisingly advanced ancient civilization which enjoyed 800 years of peace, with no apparent city walls or major militarization.

>Source of the Hindu epics, including Weird Shit like vimanas and what seems like a nuke attack.

>Writing has never been deciphered, but looks similar to Easter Island script, which has also never been deciphered.

>Get overrun by barbarian hordes and flee by ship, possibly inspiring legends in multiple places around the world.

>Some of them end up in Central America, where they may have inspired the Quetzalcoatl prophecy (and probably other things).

>Migrate down to Peru, where they built monumental stone architecture of such weight and quality that it cannot be replicated even with modern technology.

>Eventually get kicked out of Peru and end up on Easter Island. Some of them leave (maybe it was Polynesian late arrivals who cut down the last trees)

>Finally make it to NZ and set up a peaceful society… only to get eaten by the Maori

>A few survive by interbreeding with Maori while retaining their earlier history

>Finally done in by political correctness?


I love NZ but everyone is on drugs, everyone is either on the dole or running a hustle (or both), all the women are slags, gangs run the cities and Masons run the small towns, the two main parties compete over which bunch of foreigners to pimp Whitey to, and everyone eats it up because they're oh so progressive.


The best thing to hope for at this point is that maybe some cults, hippies and feral druids will ride out the Apocalypse down in the Southern Alps and thereby fuck up the puppetmasters' human-domestication project. Maybe even sack Qeenstown and eat the fuckers. One can hope.


Come on Kiwis, sort your shit out before Sauron destroys all things green and good in the world. Pics related.

Anonymous ID: e95629 Jan. 9, 2019, 3:53 p.m. No.4686180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks. Turns out our two links are different copies of the same video.


Part II was very interesting too. I never though Maui might be an Egyptian! Had already heard about the giant impact but never suspected it wiped out a bunch of Chinese. Very complex history. It is really a shame what they are doing.