Anonymous ID: f695c8 March 18, 2019, 4:07 a.m. No.5750738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

wow it's so tight here (enzed) i suspected i wouldn't be able to post anonymously through proxy epic browser…(hahaha only one then i couldn't) voat wouldn't work on my phone today and i had to install a dnshelper app to get past the 3g4g


fuck fags didn't think the war would come to my doorstep… any and all new Qpilled are now blocked….how many kiwifags have we lost? even normie anons can't go to voat…. there's a large bunch of slightly pilled who are feeling pretty sick right now not cuz the shooting but their own actions of even looking into the Q phenomena… so clap clap cabal. well played…



saving israelforlast fukers

Anonymous ID: f695c8 March 21, 2019, 3:59 a.m. No.5807654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2793



>What is the response to this


Pray Dig Meme has been the advice…


Believe they will be brought to justice… Pray with that in mind.


>we voted these traitors in

We didn't have any choice over who to vote for… they control the nomination processes.. their choices… their ppl no matter who we vote for.. dig on that…. meme that… (just suggestions)


>4 How we handle this from now on…this is for our kids and there future

We must get involved in our local politics.. city town rural district suburb… yeah the big players will fuck us over for a while but we must be there to fill the vacuum with good ppl after the suicide weekends as they get exposed…

better believe they have the next gen already mapped out and ready with second tier players everywhere they control…. best bet for us mere mortal sucker sheeple normie citizens is to get involved in what we can… their system that they have setup for themselves to operate in is ackshuly open to us also.. so any free time go down to council and sit in… get used to the place… make it like ya public library… it is…


Any place where editors are going is worth going to see whos who… councillors go to lots of public things… just go, don't participate… anything you say about q etc will be used against you to ban you… so be kinda and act stupid…


>stand for some thing .

we will know when it's time to protest vocally visually openly…


not right now is my feeling… normie sheeple are pretending to be upset over ppl they don't know dying and anyone going against the collective narrative will be burnt… badly… so best to let the women grieve and wail…. they aren't where you're at and you can't shove a new reality down their throats…. they will follow once we men get it together… and we will, there's lots of us out there, somewher around 2-5% from my analysis of my circles… but 50% ready to jump as they know there's something amiss


Don't despair… we are aware now… it can only get better no matter what they do.. every setback they pull makes us stronger in the long run. it is over for them.