Anonymous ID: 6b34d3 Feb. 22, 2018, 6:57 p.m. No.466956   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>People kill people.

Yes, they certainly millions of civilians in other countries to further billionaire agendas using guns an weapons held in the hands of the patriots you claim to love and need. Ron Paul wanted to bring our troops home…bring them home. Stop ordering them to kill people we've gpt zero business killing…bring them HOME to kill who actually NEEDS killing..the greedy old men who profit from their misery. The FBI murders people….the CIA murders people..JAYSUS the government is one giant fucking murder machine and you want us to CHEER?

>You are watching a movie.

This is not a movie asshole. THIS is our lives, our men, women, and children being gunned down, rape, set aside by migrants, illegal aliens who gun us down an walk free, we're sent to prison for possessing a plant, corrupt judges an private prison systems profit from our misery. Corrupt CPS systems steal our children… HUNDREDS of young black men die on the streets of Chicongo, people piss and shit in the streets of San Fran…this is not a damn movie, this is our lives.

>They want you WEAK.

We are fucking weak. Over the years we have watched our power as WE THE PEOPLE get sucked from us…men in the ladies room, CNN doxing grammas, what the actual fuck is this? PATRIOTS and PRAYER…this shit has to stop. We're sitting here right now watching THE GOVERNMENT debate gun rights. WHY NOT ask why the dual citizenship members of congress are not demanding that OUR SCHOOLS be protected the same way the schools in Israel are (ARMED GUARDS), why are they not demanding the SAME deportation programs HERE as Israel is carrying out now? IN fact why have YOU never ever mentioned this subject? DUAL CITIZENSHIP dual loyalties…should not be allowed.


YES…we are slaves to our rules..slaves to the hooks, slaves to religion, slaves to PC, slaves…to everything..this little encapsulated world I exist in here disappears the second I leave.


ALL WE like SHEEP have gone astray. Yes..and here we are watching you call us sheep while we follow YOU about like a shepherd with a crook…..yes, indeed we are sheep.


yes, it certainly is…every time people get ready to rise up.."someone" feeds them a crumb" makes them a promise…pacification. It is what it is.



So pardon me for saying FUCK OFF…I adore our president I SEE what kind of man he is I KNOW what he wants to do for us, but I also know (((they))) are never going to let us go. And since you won't even say their name…pardon me for not believing you.

Anonymous ID: 6b34d3 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.467173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7211 >>7226 >>7327

Clowns revealed in China/other.






Sold intel?


HRC open source server?


[Missing emails]




Granted access.




Only the tip.


This will be made public [soon].


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK..this is public now..we know five countries, China, Russia ISRAEL, GERMANY, and FRANCE were all rooting about in Hillary's server. She SOLD access…apparently you're of the mind that we're incredibly stupid..missing emails..common sense..we know they're not missing.


What happened to 'we can hear you breath'? How is it possible your brilliance missed Cruz and all the warnings to the FBI about him? (you didn't) Your side is just as dirty….Either you hear all or you don't. OHHH who died in China in 2010..who the fuck cares..we know what Crowdstrike is…how about doing something about it.


Start with an EO banning George Soros from the US an expel his spawn while your at it. Then confiscate all his money. JAYSUS Even Hungary and Russia beat us on that. Continual promises of action do NOT = action, telling us shit's habbeni' we just can't see it…pacification. Talk about sheep. OH..I hear YOU. Watching Obama flit around the globe planning his next assault (UN Secretary? NATO Secretary General) I have to say that man looks so damn nervous I don't even know how he can leave the house…release the truth about where he was born…start there…then strip that sheman he's married to down for a physical and publish the results.


I LOVE POTUS…I BELIEVE POTUS…wants to do us right…but that does not mean I believe he'll be able to. As hard as it is in my heart to feel this way…as hot tears of this shit's not true…blur my screen…you want us to have hope to shut us up? NO ONE is listening to us…twatter bans us, FB bans us…the media tells whatever story they want…politicians tell whatever they want…and not one person…not one…has been able to even slow them the fuck own.


Anonymous ID: 6b34d3 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.467283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7321 >>7372










OMG you people..with your info saviors…including Corsi…SRLSY? Let's think about this for a minute…ARKANCIDE..the government has zero problems silenceing people telling the truth…I love the "former CIA agent confesses" videos..or "ex FBI agent exposes..insert what they want exposed"


Obama did nothing but clamp on whistleblowers…and you folks actually believe that ex cia agents give sekrit youtube videos..that AJ is honest, and Corsi is trying to halp? Whistleblowers die, their lives get ruined…they get blown the fuck up (Hastings) or gunned down in "robbery's gone bad" (Rich" They do NOT get television shows or make youtube videos…

Anonymous ID: 6b34d3 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.467375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400


>Why hasn't the patriot soapbox been banned or even given a strike despite talking about Stonemason?


>Why is Corsi unbanned/no strike?


EXACTLY…jewtube has banned nearly every conservative voice…and yet these folks just babble on…I'm telling you we are being "exposed" in the wrong direction…we are being told exactly what they want us to know..truth mixed with fiction.