Q's recent post mentioned using missionaries to spy for the CIA. Here's an oldie.
John Morrison Birch (May 28, 1918 – August 25, 1945) was an American Baptist minister, missionary, and United States Army Air Forces captain who was a U.S. military intelligence officer in China during World War II. Birch was killed in a confrontation with Chinese Communist soldiers a few days after the war ended.
The John Birch Society was named after him.
Gary Allen (August 2, 1936 – November 29, 1986) was a prominent member of Robert W. Welch, Jr.'s John Birch Society, of which he was a spokesman. He was also an author, who wrote:
None Dare Call It Conspiracy.
In this book, Allen and Abraham assert that the modern political and economic systems in most developed nations are the result of a sweeping conspiracy by the Establishment's power elite, for which he also uses the term Insiders. According to the authors, these Insiders use elements of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto to forward their socialist/communist agenda:
Establish an income tax system as a means of extorting money from the common man;
Establish a central bank, deceptively named so that people will think it is part of the government;
Have this bank be the holder of the national debt;
Run the national debt, and the interest thereon, sky high through wars (or any sort of deficit spending), starting with World War I.