Anonymous ID: 030e32 Jan. 8, 2019, 1 p.m. No.4665594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5604 >>5673 >>5692 >>5769 >>5881

>>4661956 (pb)

Same piece of shit triggered again, kek.

The ONLY mother fuckers here who are on the defensive are kikes, why? Because kikes are the ones on the OFFENSIVE EVERYWHERE ELSE! Except! They own the social media giants and have the ban-hammer option available to them.

Go ahead, go to ANY social media site and simply post a swastika, harmless enough. Bet you get banned.

>Look at mason, not the jews

We've done that, nigger. How the fuck you think we got to the conclusion it's the goddamn jews?

As far as your pilpul goes and claiming the Rothschilds aren't jews…fuck yourself and die slow. Pics 1 and 2 related.

Oh look, from FRANCE and GERMANY. Also British. HMMM.

Yea, you look at your faggot ass masons and we'll keep calling out the jews, since it's basically the fucking jews.