Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.4665199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5213 >>5224 >>5243 >>5276 >>5435 >>5645 >>5661

Far-Left CA Gov. Newsom’s Wife to go by “First Partner” to Advance ‘Gender Equality’


Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of newly elected California Governor Gavin Newsom, will go by “First Partner” rather than “First Lady” in order to advance ‘gender equality.’


Jennifer Newsom even read a poem in English and Spanish at the inauguration.


Isn’t that lovely.


Jennifer Newsom, a mother of four children, changed her Twitter bio to reflect that she is the “First Partner of California,” not the First Lady.


Oddly, in the same Twitter bio, Jennifer Newsom refers to her husband as “Mr.” — it looks like she needs to go through some more diversity training.

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.4665222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5250 >>5277 >>5299 >>5388 >>5416

Trump Will Not Invoke Emergency Powers To Build Border Wall In TV Address: Report


Yesterday, when we reported that Trump would make an impromptu TV appearance at 9pm today to address the nation to make his case for a wall on the southern border, we asked whether Trump would "finally put an end to the impasse over the Wall funding and announce that he will invoke a "national emergency" loophole in order to get the wall built" and said that the answer would likely be leaked in the hours ahead of Trump's address.


Moments ago we got said answer when the WaPo reported that while Trump will make a case to a national television audience Tuesday night for long-sought border wall funding, he is not expected to declare a national emergency that could empower him to move forward with construction without congressional consent.


The preview of Trump's speech came thanks to Vice President Pence, who offered unveiled some of Trump’s expected remarks during appearances on three morning television shows Tuesday, arguing that the United States is facing an “undeniable crisis” at its southern border and urging Democrats to “come to the table” to negotiate an end to an impasse over the wall that has led to a partial government shutdown.


“What I expect the president will do tonight is explain to the American people that we have a humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border,” Pence said on NBC’s “Today” show. “He’ll explain the need, not just to build a wall, which he’s determined to do, but also to provide our Border Patrol with additional resources, humanitarian and medical assistance, new technology.”


And while Pence did not rule out the possibility that Trump at some point would declare a national emergency and direct the military to construct a border wall, the vice president said repeatedly that the administration is seeking a negotiated solution with Congress.


Meanwhile, a senior White House official with knowledge of the speech said the plan is not to call for a national emergency but to further build a public case for the wall.


Trump is scheduled to speak from the Oval Office at 9 p.m. and deliver remarks expected to last about eight minutes that will be carried live by all the major television networks. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer plan to deliver a brief joint response afterward.


News that Trump won't violently break the deadlock over the wall using the "emergency" loophole boosted sentiment as it means that the acrimony in DC won't hit fever pitch - just yet- and it also means that the government will likely remain shut for the foreseeable future. Of course, anyone keeping track of the market's performance since the Dec. 21 shutdown date will note that the 10%+ return in the S&P would imply that the shutdown is quite bullish for stocks.

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.4665362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5514 >>5811 >>5872

NYC Mayor Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All in Historic Surprise Announcement


It's not health insurance; it's the city paying for direct comprehensive care for those who can't afford it or are undocumented, a spokesman said


New York City will begin guaranteeing comprehensive health care to every single resident regardless of someone's ability to pay or immigration status, an unprecedented plan that will protect the more than half-a-million New Yorkers currently using the ER as a primary provider, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.


It's not health insurance, his spokesman clarified after the surprise announcement on MSNBC Tuesday morning.


"This is the city paying for direct comprehensive care (not just ERs) for people who can't afford it, or can't get comprehensive Medicaid — including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers," spokesman Eric Phillips tweeted.


At a press conference Tuesday, de Blasio said the plan will provide primary and specialty care, from pediatrics to OBGYN, geriatric, mental health and other services, to the city's roughly 600,000 uninsured.


The city already has the foundation for such a plan — a public health insurance option that helps get direct care to undocumented residents.


That option will be expanded, the mayor said, and supported with the addition of a new program called NYC Care. Patients who seek health coverage through NYC Care will receive a card that allows them to see a primary care doctor and seek specialty care services, de Blasio said.


Those who can afford to pay will pay for services on a sliding scale, while those who can't will receive free coverage, he noted.

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.4665491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5520 >>5533 >>5811 >>5872

Are Democrats Beginning To Turn On Mueller?


Some congressional Democrats appear concerned that special counsel Robert S. Mueller isn’t being thorough enough in his investigation into President Donald Trump.


Democratic Rep. Adam B. Schiff, Mueller’s No. 1 defender on Capitol Hill, believes Mueller could decline an investigation into the president’s businesses, he told the Los Angeles Times editorial board.


One issue of particular interest to Democrats, Schiff said Monday, was the ongoing negotiations between Trump’s allies and representatives from the Russian government over a skyscraper in Moscow during the 2016 election.


“Anyone who engaged in anything like that, anything remotely like that, would never get a security clearance, but this is the president of the United States,” Schiff told the LA Times. “If the financial entanglement goes beyond that, and includes money laundering and criminal activity that the Russians could expose at a time and place of their choosing, that’s compromising.”


The California representative later expressed concern that “Mueller may not be looking at this,” and said that House Democrats may have to take up the cause.


These concerns could also be why a number of Democrats are supporting impeachment proceedings against Trump before the release of Mueller’s final report.


Democratic Reps. Al Green of Texas and Steve Cohen of Tennessee said on Jan. 3 they would reintroduce articles of impeachment against the president, accusing him of obstructing justice.


Other Democrats, like House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, a New York Democrat, told CNN on Jan. 4 that members of his party would not wait for Mueller to release his final report before beginning their own investigations.


Despite the president’s criticisms of the special counsel’s investigation, there remains no evidence that Mueller has received resistance from the White House.


Yet Democrats have placed a tremendous amount of political capital into the idea Mueller will eventually uncover damning information that would prove Trump, or those in his inner circle, colluded with the Russian government to change the outcome of the 2016 election. Should that not happen, the president would seem at least partially vindicated in his attacks on Mueller’s investigation.


Democrats, particularly those in the House, have good reason to start their own investigations into the president’s business dealings in order to keep up the pressure should Mueller eventually clear him in his final report.


As the investigation continues, Democrats may also feel pressure to deliver some sort of smoking gun. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who has generally deferred to the special counsel, recently implied some restlessness among Democrats.


“We won’t interfere,” Pelosi told Politico in October. “We shouldn’t. We won’t. But we do have to have one thing that we should all agree on: the truth for the American people and where the truth leads us is another thing.”

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.4665518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5570 >>5718

Model Hailey Bieber's Candid, Pro-God Instagram Post


Model Hailey Bieber — formerly Hailey Baldwin before tying the knot to popstar Justin Bieber — launched the new year by penning a moving pro-God post to social media on Monday.


The stunning 22-year-old candidly wrote about her struggles with physical insecurity, specifically comparing herself to others (that all-too-common thing women do). But Hailey emphasized that she leans on God to help conquer those false thoughts.


"God made us individuals for a reason, with our own beauty, our own personalities, and our own story because there's a specific plan and purpose for each and every human created and he makes no mistakes!!" wrote Hailey on Instagram, adding, "I am enough, and I'm loved, and you are enough and you're loved."


The young wife started the post by telling her fans that she wants to be "more open about the things I struggle with, and be able to be more vulnerable."


"I’m a 22 years old, and the truth is no matter how amazing life may look from the outside I struggle," she explained. "I'm insecure, I'm fragile, I'm hurting, I have fears, I have doubts, I have anxiety, I get sad, I get angry. I have had more days than I can count where I've found myself scrolling through Instagram comparing myself, comparing my looks, feeling like I'm not good enough feeling like I lack so many things and really struggling to be confident in who I am because I constantly feel like I’m just not good enough. Every single day is a confidence battle for me."


Hailey told fans that she's not looking for "a pity party or for sympathy but just to simply say, I'm a human."


"I'm a young woman, I'm learning who I am and, it's REALLY FREAKING HARD," the post continued. "It's hard finding who you are, but what’s even harder is being picked apart and compared to other women while trying to do that. There are days that I’m simply broken because of it."


"It would be incredible if other young girls and women could find it in themselves to lift each other up, to stop making other women who are struggling JUST LIKE THEM, feel incompetent and less than," the model offered. "We ALL have flaws, and that will never change."


Opening up about her faith, Hailey concluded the post, "What I do know is, God made us individuals for a reason, with our own beauty, our own personalities, and our own story because there’s a specific plan and purpose for each and every human created and he makes no mistakes!! So this year I’m gonna do my very best to just be ME and be confident with who I am. Cause I am enough, and I'm loved, and you are enough and you’re loved."


Justin Bieber, the model's husband, has been vocal about his Christianity, too. The young entertainer recently showed off a "Grace" tattoo on his neck and regularly posts about God's love and his belief in Jesus. Bieber, who was born to a teenage single mother, has also called abortion what it is: ending a life.


"I really don't believe in abortion," the singer told Rolling Stone in 2011. "It's like killing a baby."


Bieber sweetly replied to his wife's post, "This is beautiful hun."

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.4665564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811 >>5872

Dunford on Mission to Protect Syrian Kurds from Threatened Attack by Turkey


Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford arrived in Ankara on Monday to join a delegation led by National Security Adviser John Bolton to warn NATO ally Turkey against attacking the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.


Dunford has maintained contact with Gen. Yasar Guler, chief of the Turkish General Staff, and Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and was expected to meet with both following what appeared to be a major shift on the withdrawal plan outlined over the weekend by Bolton.


Both Guler and Akar have echoed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's intention to wipe out the Syrian Kurdish YPG (People's Protection Units), the main fighting force within the SDF, in the effort to eliminate the last remnants of the Islamic State in Syria


Immediately following U.S. President Donald Trump's surprise announcement Dec. 19 via Twitter that U.S. troops in Syria would be withdrawn, Akar said that the Turkish military was preparing "intensely for a counter-terrorism military operation" against the YPG in northeastern Syria.


"Whatever they dig, be it trenches or tunnels, when the time comes, they will be buried in the trenches that they dug," Akar said of the YPG, according to Turkey's state-run Anadolu news agency.


In his last contact with Guler a week before Trump's withdrawal announcement, Dunford defended the presence of observation posts set up by U.S. troops in northern Syria.


Dunford and Guler discussed "the U.S. observation posts in the northeast Syria border region, which were established to address Turkish security concerns," according to a Dec. 14 release from the Joint Chiefs.


Pentagon officials on Monday declined to discuss the current status of the observation posts.


In late November, at an informal session with Pentagon reporters, then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he had ordered the observation posts be set up to "track any threat we can spot going up into Turkey." He also acknowledged that the posts served the dual purpose of protecting the YPG from the Turkish military.


IMO this is an Israeli/cabal engineered crisis to keep the US in Syria. Russia has the Turks on a leash so the US should leave asap!

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 1 p.m. No.4665598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5631 >>5680 >>5811 >>5872

1.4 Million Floridians Get Their Voting Rights Back Today, Whether Republicans Like It or Not


More than 1 million Florida residents will become eligible to vote on Tuesday as the newly amended state constitution restores voting rights to most of its previously disenfranchised felons. That’s the largest number of people to gain access to the ballot all at once since American women won the right to vote in 1920.


Last November, Florida residents voted in favor of an amendment to the state constitution, known as Amendment 4, that restores voting rights to roughly 1.4 million felons in the state who have completed their sentences. (Individuals convicted of murder or sex offenses were excluded from the amendment.) But while the measure was approved by nearly 65 percent of the state’s voters, some Republicans — including Gov.-elect Ron DeSantis — have sought to sow confusion about its immediate validity.


DeSantis, who opposed the amendment during the campaign, indicated that its implementation would be delayed until lawmakers can write it into law during the next legislative session. “They’re going to be able to do that in March,” he told the Palm Beach Post. Some local elections in Florida are scheduled for as early as February, before the next legislature meets.


DeSantis’s comments followed slow-walking on the amendment by other state officials, like Ken Detzner, the Republican secretary of state, who indicated in December that he believed the ballot language was unclear and would require state legislators’ review. “We need to get some direction from them as far as implementation and definitions — all the kind of things that the supervisors were asking,” Detzner said then. “It would be inappropriate for us to charge off without direction from them.”


Lack of direction from the state department — and from exiting Gov. Rick Scott — also led to confusion among election officials across the state, with the Division of Elections director saying that “the state is putting a pause button on our felon identification files . … We need this time to research it, to be sure we are providing the appropriate guidance.”


Asked for clarification, the Florida Department of State sent a somewhat equivocal statement to The Intercept, noting both that the amendment is now officially law and that the department would follow the legislature’s directive — a seeming contradiction. “Unless otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere in this constitution, if the proposed amendment or revision is approved by vote of at least sixty percent of the electors voting on the measure, it shall be effective as an amendment to or revision of the constitution of the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January following the election,” a spokesperson for the department wrote, citing the state constitution. But then she added, “The Florida Department of State will abide by any future direction from the Executive Clemency Board or the Florida Legislature regarding necessary action or implementing legislation to ensure full compliance with the law.”

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4665684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Indications That Nancy Has Flipped – No Wonder She Doesn’t Want To Show Up In The Same Courtroom With Raniere


Much of what happens in the lead-up to a trial is full of nuance and subject to interpretation and speculation.


That is especially true when you’re dealing with a complex case like the U.S. v. Raniere Et Al.


But a pair of Orders that were recently issued by Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis clearly suggests that Keith Raniere’s worst nightmare has come true: Nancy Salzman has flipped on the man she once called Vanguard!


The first Order concerned the judge’s approval of Nancy’s request that her “…bail conditions be modified to remove the current condition of home detention and to replace it with curfew”.


As a result of that ruling, Nancy will now be allowed to roam free every day from 7:00 AM until 9:00 PM.


But the most interesting part of this situation is the notation in the letter-of-request for this change that was submitted to Judge Garaufis in which Nancy’s attorneys noted that it was being made “With the consent of the government and without objection of pre-trial service…”


In other words, the federal government – both the prosecution team and the Office of Probation and Pre-Trial Services – had consented to this request before it was submitted to the judge.


And just why would they do that, you ask?


Well, usually, having the prosecution and Probation and Pre-Trial Services consent in advance to this type of request is a strong indication that the defendant in question has become a cooperating witness and is being rewarded for her/his assistance.


To further buttress that interpretation, one need only look at the very next filing in the case – which is an Order by Judge Garaufis that permits Nancy to attend the next hearing in the case, on Wednesday, January 9th, via telephone in order to avoid “…jeopardizing her health”.


Huh, wait a second…

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.4665715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5744 >>5811 >>5872

Mexico to place guards at hundreds of points along its own southern border as another caravan makes its way north


Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero pledges to 'prevent the entry of undocumented people'


Guards will be placed along Mexico's southern border in an attempt to stop the next wave of illegal crossings from Guatemala.


Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero said Monday that Mexico has pledged to put guards at about 370 crossing points along its shared border "to prevent the entry of undocumented people," The Associated Press reported.


"We have information that a new caravan is forming to enter our country in mid-January," Sanchez Cordero said. "We are already taking the necessary steps to ensure the caravan enters in a safe and orderly way.


"There are leaders in the caravan that are directing it, trying to burst into our country, but we will not allow any entry that is not orderly, safe and controlled by Mexican laws," she continued.


It's unclear when Mexico is expected to have its border secured, but Sanchez Cordero said the country would not allow a replay of the events that occurred last fall.

What happened last fall?


In October, hundreds of Central American migrants clashed with Mexican police when they tried to force their way across the border bridge in the town of Tecun Uman, Mexico, NBC News reported. There were more than 7,500 who were trying to make their way to the U.S.


Dozens were reportedly injured during the incident that left at least one dead, according to reports. The group eventually crossed through a river.


Migrants often cross along the Usumacinta and Suchiate rivers that separate the two countries.

What else?


Migrants who provide identification documents and apply for transit, humanitarian, or refugee visa will receive a response within three days, Sanchez Cordero promised.


Additional immigration and enforcement agents will also be stationed at the border's 12 formal points of entry, according to the report.

Anonymous ID: 52894e Jan. 8, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.4665848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5918

Ed Buck’s Lawyer Runs Defense After Second Black Escort Found Dead at Buck’s Home: ‘He Was Trying Help Counsel Them’


As previously reported, a black gay escort named Gemmel Moore died of a meth overdose at Ed Buck’s West Hollywood home in July of 2017.


The LA County District Attorney’s Office previously declined to prosecute Ed Buck saying the evidence is “insufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that (Buck) is responsible for the death of Gemmel Moore,” which sparked an outrage from family members and others in the community.


Ed Buck’s lawyer defended his client in an interview with the media and said Ed Buck did nothing wrong, he just has a huge heart and was trying to counsel people with drug problems.


“An old time friend of Ed’s came over and–and — was reluctant to have him come over. The individual came over, had already been partying, apparently had already taken some substances,” the lawyer said.


“There are some individuals in our society who have a huge heart–maybe bigger than what they should have and they allow individuals to come over when they probably–some of would not allow them to come over and then things happen there after. Not being involved in their death, trying to help them and counsel them to change their ways but this is what happens,” the lawyer added.