Sauce ID: 880aa5 Jan. 8, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4665691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706 >>5757


"Future Proves Past Proofs"


Can 1 please provide 1 verifiable fact as being a fact please? All 1 see's is theories and speculation by links, and nothing physically seen being verifiable.


So if 1 builds Lies upon unverified past proofs, how does 1 know if the future stated is factual?


So call me a shill for asking for evidence that can be proven factual, well, call me a shill. One needs to see factual evidence to gather an army, yet how do new recruits join when never any verificable evidence is provided as truth? If so many past proofs, why is it so hard to very them for all the see? Yet one is only suppose to believe unquestionably, as a brainwashed zombie, and they will be accepted with open arms here on 8ch. If one questions anything stated, they are Shills because they think and evaluate for themselves truths only asking using facts of ones past.

Sauce ID: 880aa5 Jan. 8, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.4665716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Future Proves Past Proofs"


Can 1 please provide 1 verifiable fact as being a fact please? All 1 see's is theories and speculation by links, and nothing physically seen being verifiable.


So if 1 builds Lies upon unverified past proofs, how does 1 know if the future stated is factual?


So call me a shill for asking for evidence that can be proven factual, well, call me a shill. One needs to see factual evidence to gather an army, yet how do new recruits join when never any verificable evidence is provided as truth? If so many past proofs, why is it so hard to very them for all the see? Yet one is only suppose to believe unquestionably, as a brainwashed zombie, and they will be accepted with open arms here on 8ch. If one questions anything stated, they are Shills because they think and evaluate for themselves truths only asking using facts of ones past.

Sauce ID: 880aa5 Jan. 8, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.4665846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5930



Such a waste of good bread? Seriously?


Can you prove 1 factual time any info/tip/link on 8ch to faking "bake" or "bakes" did to arrest or charge a single DC swamp enemy? No because 8ch is a Dark Bottomless Pit where everyone only goes 1 direct and 101% nothing ever happens, nor can be verified, nor used in any court case. Yet 8ch feeding a never ending bottomless dark pit with everything they got, not a fart or atom of light ever was returned. Yet 8ch claims this is Light and Openness, and is against the Deep State. How can 1 believe when never in its entire history, 8ch tip and fake bread bakers and crumbs never ever 1 time in its history, was ever used against the Deep State. Yet when Light ask for evidence, they are a shill for asking. Could it be 8ch is pure evil and is caught in a lie against Truth? So why is truth and truthfulness against Q and Trump? 8ch is not what you think… 0 evidience = 100% light? 100% lies = dark? See how the story inside you flipped? Where's the evidence to back up your comments? None as none exist, so the truth today will win..