Well, when you get BTFO over and over like what's been happening to them, at some point you have to switch up your pitch-up
You mean, like, black people?
he said "turned into a lizard" not "spun a dredel like a faggot" but maybe, just maybe
Nah, aside from the fact she's a dirty shitbird commie that looks like a cross between an angry potato and my foot, she's /ourgirl/
Pearl Jam has had the best legs over time, just saying
Scared, baby?
Don't be scared. you can hang out here with rest of us and watch your beloved kosher sandbox burn, we don't mind <3
He sends us love! Break his legs!
You just keep talking about being scared, figured you had it on the mind
You Boomer faggot, GTFO
Yeah, nigger, just saying the best band over time is clearly Pearl Jam- they rest shot their wads early or sound dated
But IN the 90's FNM was 2nd tier, and you know that's true. Don't shoot the messenger. Woodpecker From Mars is still my jam, bt dubs
Then why are you so gay and lame?
Nirvana broke in your prime, and you were diddling your butthole listening to grandma's 78's? GAY
Is there no standard anymore?
Be yourself, by yourself