Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.4666250   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the most logical conclusion based on happenings…and what has NOT happened. A MoSaud Psyop…


why do I think that


the jew media reports on Q…and makes fun of the conspiracy but they always direct to Mosaud controlled half chan rather than this site…this site is controlled but they cannot control it to the degree that they'd like without giving away the game..thus the JQ is constantly discussed here along with PROOFS.


IF the Jew media were to direct people to the actual Q board then people might accidentally get redjewpilled…and we can't have any more of that.


It is also illogical that the jewmedia is NOT reporting and screaming ANTI-SEMITE about this board…it is illogical they are not…because if a jew can scream anti semite against any criticism they surely will…and yet…there is silence..there is some form of MoSaud shit happening here…what exactly I do not know..


the IJIDF is not enough of a answer…and they are certainly here. IN FORCE..some play the muhjoos…some play the ah man don't post anti zionist shit it will make us look bad…right…cause the jew media points here?




The redjewpills that are always being dropped on here are not addressed, because there is no defense against the truth…so they just attack the poster…start playing on the stupid ass religitards emotional shit…but for a race that wrote the book, and chose themselves and god's chosen


SRSLY have ANY of you religitards even thought about that? NOT ONE other sacred text says the joos are chosen by anyone/thing…except for the one they "wrote" themselves…but in reality they wrote barely any of it themselves, rather co-opted the epics of the Sumerians and made themselves the heros…and KEK chose themselves..then convinced you to believe it.


This bullshit they fucking scream…is to hide…if they scream loud enough they don't think we'll notice the Liberty, 9/11, their effective, pervasive blackmail of policitcians around the world, their endless land grabs (currently snatching back Golan Heights) and their "come home" campaigns to make life so miserable for jews elsewhere in the world that they will literally flee to Israel to be safe (of course necessitating more land grabs and genocides)..the fact that they firmly believe they are entitled to an ethnostate but the rest of the world must be "diverse"


If there is a conflict in the world there is always a jew behind it….ISIS…jews…(as evidenced that not once..not ever…did the "muzzy" ISIS attack their arch enemy Israel…despite the fact that Israel is snatching land right out from under them.


Jews think we are too stupid to notice this…and for the most part, we are.


Good luck..uprooting these zionist assholes is going to require that zeddi and bubbi let go of the woe is jew attitudes, read The Transfer Agreement, and get fucking red pilled on how their blood and fear was used against them in a zionist plot that real jews know…should not be.


SO get your zeddis and bubbies to read that damn book and figure it out…because that old woe is jewme…bullshit is what's killing the fucking world…"I'm not white, I'm jewish"…the excuse for almost every act of aggression against the one people Jews fear…the genetic by product of Enki…and their perfection.


The greatest trick the (((DEVIL))) ever pulled, was convincing you…he was god.


PS please expect an uptick in the jew media woeismeeing about KIKE…and antisemetic asshattery…wait for it.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.4666357   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Israel is fucked.

Mostly because…aside from the normie asshats that swooped in to replace the ANONYMOUS population to reduce our effectiveness…like they did to T_D..(replaced mods with kikes) and replaced /pol/ mods with kikes…they figured the replacement population was too stupid to figure it out…


oh dear…well the kikes were right…for the most part the replacements have been so blinded by their brainwashing / programming religiousity regarding the jews..that they eagerly and willingly played along because Q played to their hope.


Trump is Trump…he's gonna do his best to keep his promises and he's gonna do it his way. Aside from knowing there have been deals made…I still love my president…but I cast a jaded eye on the Trump Base Pacification program that is Q…


will you Qtards wake the fuck up THIS time?


No, probably not…you'll keep waiting for something to happen because an invisible agent told you something was happening because it is in your brainwashing to believe that…you're still waiting for Jesus to come back because 2k years ago some invisible agent told you it would happen and you can't let that go…so harnessing that energy here…easy…


There will be a wall…but you are going to get a very very hard lesson about following invisible ghosts over the cliff.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2 p.m. No.4666420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Putin knows what's what with Jews…they murdered millions upon millions of Russians…and thus far very few people realize it was jews who genocided the Russians…Every time a jew cries MUHJOOS…ANTI SEMITE…someone needs to scream…BOLSHEVIK…genocidal manics.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.4666477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6528


It is important to keep a CLOSE eye on any evangelical xian in office. they are as much a danger to our nation as the muz…it is the fucking religitards helping the jews…banning protests against Israel's genocide…and the stupid ass brain washed religitards believing that jews are muhchozen….and jewsus won't come back if jews aren't allowed to ruin the world.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.4666501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I’m actually looking forward to hearing the Dems spin Trump’s speech tonight.


Trips confirm


I only hope it is as glorious and the SoU spin that CumFace Kennedy delivered.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.4666543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6605


>Yes, those who curse the Jews become cursed themselves.

Sure think Schlomo…you've been scaring people with that shit for centuries…it's not working anymore. Fuck Israel and the destruction they have rained upon the ENTIRE WORLD!

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.4666581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Jerome Corsi's Lawyer.

Please know that if letting corsi sink is beneficial to the jews, they will not only toss him in the lake of fire, they will toss a millstone on top of him and cheer while he sinks.


Rabbis led, (knowingly) thousands of jews onto the trains for the zionist optics of muh poor jews…read The Transfer Agreement


normal everyday jews…were nothing but fodder for the zionists….and Corsi's previous affiliations / affinities will only serve to sink him once the jews decide he is no longer of any use.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.4666638   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Sauce or GTFO.

when I "look" at her she is on life support…aka barely there…she is neither alive nor dead.


She will never return to SCOTUS and her condition IS known among those who need to know…efforts to suppress her death will not work…but keeping her on life support keeps her from being able to resign or be replaced…not sure what is in place to prevent a SCOTUS judge from keeping their seat in this condition but expect the left to do anything and everything to keep her alive…and her seat empty.


(someone needs to "trip" over that cord.

Anonymous ID: 82c545 Jan. 8, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.4666710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Just put the patch on Israel.

THIS…then spazz it all over the interbutz like they did that poor dude that got fired…spazz it so hard that he'll get FIRED for good..kek…