Since Q broached a modern evolution of mind control, and Q+ is focusing on the border, a few thoughts on their nexus:
What party in which country gave us the archetype for mind control? Why did they need it? Did they use multiple modalities concurrently?
Have these techniques continued to be developed and refined through experiments and practice in our country?
How do you program people without drugs and electricity?
Do ostensibly private companies use these refined mind control techniques against the public? Why would they do that?
If you successfully program people to believe in a single thing that is obviously false, does that damage other areas of cognition? If you have disordered cognition, can you make good decisions? If a large segment of the population makes poor decisions because of damaged cognition, could this be taken advantage of? By who?
How do you get millions of decent Americans to support trafficking of people, drugs and weapons?
How do you convince millions of decent Americans to support an operation that results in thousands of children and women being repeatedly raped, year after year?
Was the influx on our southern border during hussein’s 8 years carefully planned and organized beforehand?
How many came over the 8 years?
How many were female?
What percentage of females were raped on the journey?
Multiple times each?
Were most of the females children?
What do you call someone who organizes an action that result in a million rapes?
What is a crime against humanity?
Are historically prominent crimes against humanity named?
Are a million rapes of children and women a historically prominent crime against humanity?