Anonymous ID: 14ead7 Jan. 8, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.4669993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANALYSIS: Google is the ENEMY of humanity and must be destroyed, or human freedom dies forever


It’s the “mind” behind hundreds of millions of people’s mobile phones, email accounts, and search engine of choice. But the Google empire is anything but benevolent – and if it isn’t extinguished from the planet very soon, warns Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show, then we can all kiss our collective future goodbye.


That’s because if Google gets its way, everyone on the planet will be monitored, tracked, and controlled by the New World Order Google overlords who, like they’re currently doing in China, plan to persecute and destroy all dissenters here in the United States who dare to buck the established status quo.


Right now, more than 98 percent of mainstream media outlets the world over are controlled by just six people. And all of these people, says Hodges, are Leftists who hate average Americans, as well as America itself and everything for which this country stands.


Even Fox News, which positions itself as media for conservatives, is merely controlled opposition that’s funneling its viewers right into the same slaughterhouse as all of the other news outlets. Sadly, this leaves about two percent of the media, several outlets of which are now banned by Google, to tell people the truth.


“At the forefront of the propaganda that keeps America paralyzed is Google,” Hodges explains about the source of the problem. “Google has moved passed Monsanto (i.e. Monsatan) as the most evil corporation in the world.”

Anonymous ID: 14ead7 Jan. 8, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.4670111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0218

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:


“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”


Cash No Good: More Retailers Reject Paper Money


Cashless society is a requirement for forcing everyone into a digital system, a goal for Fintech and Sustainable Development. Nobody has yet taken American retailers to court over the legality of refusing to accept cash, but according to the U.S. Treasury, each bill clearly states: “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.” ⁃ TN Editor


“Your cash is not wanted here”, a growing number of retailers and restaurants throughout the US and UK are telling customers. But are reasons being given by companies for the new “cashless” approach — speed, efficiency, and the safety of store employees — valid enough to require something as utterly and downright unAmerican as rejecting cash?


We think not, and unfortunately the trend of “cash not welcome here” establishments is growing, to the point that lawmakers are beginning to take note and could introduce legislation barring the practice, as Massachusetts has done already, and as the New Jersey State House could be set to do next. According to a Federal Reserve survey conducted in 2017 cited in The Wall Street Journal, cash represented 30% of all transactions in America, with 55% of those being under $10.


Regardless of Americans’ longtime preference for plastic in most transactions, many of which take place online, research by the Federal Reserve found that cash is still king in terms of Americans’ daily lives and usage, and as the study concluded further, this remains true across all income levels:

Anonymous ID: 14ead7 Jan. 8, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.4670235   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tech Giants Paid Off ‘Trusted” Conservative Groups for Their Silence as Social Media Giants Eliminated Conservative Content and Publishers from Platform


Tech Giants Paid Off ‘Trusted” Conservative Groups for Their Silence as Social Media Giants Eliminated Conservative Content and Publishers from Platform

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 8, 2019 38 Comments






It’s no secret that the Silicon Valley tech giants discriminate against conservatives and conservative content.


Facebook has been shutting down traffic to conservative websites since the 2016 election.


YouTube and Twitter along with Amazonramped up their attacks on conservative users and platforms since the 2016 election.


The Gateway Pundit spoke earlier with two of the top conservative publishers in America.


Floyd Brown is a conservative author, speaker and media commentator. In 2008 Floyd launched Western Journal which quickly became one of the top conservative websites in America. By 2016 Floyd’s organization of Western Journal and other conservative websites under his umbrella had more than a billion page views. Since 2016 Floyd’s organization lost 75% of its Facebook traffic.


Likewise, we spoke with Jared Vallorani from Klicked Media. Jared traveled to Washington DC with The Gateway Pundit and website owners at 100%FedUp in June to discuss Facebook targeting against conservative publishers with Republican lawmakers. Jared told The Gateway Pundit his organization Klicked Media, which hosts over 60 conservative websites, lost 400 million page views from Facebook in the last six months if you compare the traffic to a year ago. Jared said, “We lost 70% to 80% of our traffic if you compare January to May 2017 vs Jan to May 2018.”

If you combine the total number of page-views lost by just these two conservative online publishers you are looking at a loss of over 1.5 billion page-views from Facebook in one year.


These are numbers from just two of the top conservative publishers in America. This does not include the thousands of other conservative publishers across the country who lost all of their traffic coming from Facebook. Here at The Gateway Pundit our Facebook traffic has been effectively eliminated after we were ranked as the 4th most influential conservative publisher in the 2016 election.


Facebook has also deleted prominent conservatives completely from their platform. Alex Jones, Infowars, Laura Loomer, Gavin McInnes, triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage and Roger Stone have lost their pages in the last year.


The fact that Facebook is targeting conservative publishers should not be a surprise to Gateway Pundit readers.


We have been reporting on this for several months now. In July we released a study where we looked at several top conservative websites and discovered that the publishers had lost an average of 93% of their Facebook traffic.


Facebook worked with liberal “rights” groups before the 2018 election. Everyone knows these groups discriminate against conservatives and are more anti-conservative than they are pro-civil rights.


This is just another way Facebook gets away with eliminating conservative content.

But now thanks to an accidental piece by The Wall Street Journal we know there are several conservative organizations being paid by the tech giants as the organizations continue to censor and eliminate conservative voices.

This is outrageous and vile behavior.

Anonymous ID: 14ead7 Jan. 8, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.4670334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0465

CNN Just Hired a New RINO To Bash President Trump


CNN just hired another fake Republican as part of it’s all-out attack on the President, as the Daily Caller reports:


Rep. Ludmya “Mia” Love is doing the unthinkable — she’s headed for CNN.


The Utah Republican lost her race for Congress. She was the first female black Republican to grace the marble halls of the Capitol. She was born in New York City, but her parents immigrated to the U.S. from Haiti. …


Maybe it’s not such a shocker that she’s going to work for CNN, since it’s the cable network President Trump appears to hate most.


In the congresswoman’s so-called concession speech, she ragged on Trump, questioning the sincerity of his relationships. She claimed the GOP had a “transactional” tie to voters.


Trump infamously shot back at her, saying, “Mia Love gave me no love, and she lost.”