Anonymous ID: 4aab6f Jan. 8, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.4670402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Men, we are the first, last and often only line of defense the Republic has against what is out there. You, and the fine weaponized-memetics held in your minds, are all that is keeping humanity alive. Some of you may not live to see the God Emperor's second term and some of you will probably never see our home-country again, but I can guarantee you that when you do fall, with a prayer to protect the mighty God-Emperor on your lips, you will have earned the right to call yourself free! May the God-Emperor forever tweet supreme! By Q's hand, and with the focused work of the venerable Autist-Inquisitors of House Chan, may we continue to wage this righteous war across the void. May the heretical cabal of chaos tremble before us! We do this for Holy Terra!" — Staff Sergeant Verkek, 12th Kekian Shock Regiment, The Great Meme Wars of MMXIX