Anonymous ID: a5d2b0 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4672059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2111



I was having a chat with my girlfriend, and she was curious about Q/17/Symbolism/Numbers I kept talking about.


I tried to explain that it was most likely a group of 10 high up in military / Gov / NSA that rotate posting, but most likely 1 main person.


I also said they have to work closely with Trump to post to 8ch and Twitter in sync. Or Q would need to have access to post as Trump on Twitter(I feel someone posts as Trump all the time and is his Social Media coordinator).


She asked 'Who do you think Q is?'

I found it funny to say I didn't actually know, almost no one knows for sure! :)


Q also pointed out that ‘YOU’LL LAUGH WHEN YOU FIND OUT’


Here's my list of top guesses, and FOR/AGAINST said guess:


John Kennedy JR

FOR: Most people feel they were fooled into thinking this…as most believe he is dead, as Q 'confirmed' he was. I think it would amazing if true; for Revenge and Glory. Trump and JFK JR were friends and close. This is like Jesus rising from the Dead to Save the World. JFK Assassination was the ultimate betrayal.

AGAINST: All signs point to the Plane Crash that ended his life. Posts are sometimes too Cryptic for an average person who is not working or has experience in the Military.


General Michael Flynn

FOR: From the beginning, most people believed this. Flynn is a Patriot and will soon shine a light on corruption and what happened during the Presidential Campaign and with Russia dealings in 2016 and beyond. Hurry up MUELLER and FISA…

AGAINST: Not close enough to Trump to coordinate timing of drops.


Stephen Miller

FOR: Political Advisor/Media Head for Trump, very intelligent, well spoken, professional.

AGAINST: No Military Experience.


Barron Trump

FOR: For all appearances on camera when young, I have a feeling he might be an Autist like the rest of us. Secretly a Genius who is having a laugh at all of us :)

AGAINST: Too young to have experience with World History, knowledge of Military, Short Attention span/Millennial.


Jared Kushner

FOR: Similar to Stephen Miller. Political Advisor for Trump, very intelligent, well spoken, professional.

AGAINST: Cannot spend enough time close to Trump.


Donald Trump

FOR: He’s one clever dude! Best Troller in the known Galaxy.

AGAINST: It would seem he needs to be in 2 places at once to coordinate all drops/posts. Or 4 arms.


Donald Trump's Clone/Doppleganger

FOR: You ever see the video of Trump high-fiving himself?

AGAINST: Probs can’t clone ourselves for 77 years, 7 months, and 7 days. High failure rate.


Donald Trump’s Sons(Eric/Jr)

FOR: Q….Q+….it all makes sense! Kids are clever just like their Dad.

AGAINST: Probably can’t work alongside your Dad as a fully grown Adult.



FOR: NSA experience, military coding, WE HAVE EVERYTHING.

AGAINST: Probably would have been found out a while ago.


Julian Assange

FOR: Mastermind who helped start the exposure of corruption and has been specifically targeted for revealing Cabal and networks. CFF.

AGAINST: Still outside USA. Bring him home team!


Some Alien/GOD/Angel

FOR: Only an Alien with higher IQ than Einstein could coordinate a plan so specific to the last details and pull it off. Humans are pretty fallible to say the least. Probably gave us a heads up that we're going down the drain.

AGAINST: I’ll believe it when I see it ;)