Anonymous ID: 4e2bbf Jan. 8, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.4673070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3115 >>3123 >>3136

You all still don’t get it, do you.

You are watching a movie.

MKUltra was mainstreamed decades ago and you are all waiting for a hero to save the day. Trump is not your saviour, Q is not a ruggedly handsome action star (sorry Q), and the Navy Seals are not going to storm in and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!

We the People.

You have to fix it yourself. You already have the tools needed.

We have it all.

Call your representatives. Get out and make a fuss. Wear yellow vests if you want. Use the power that has been given to you by the Constitution and this great Republic and start the change you want to see!

Where we go one we go all!

Waiting for Trump and Q to do something? Well, they are waiting for you to do something. We the People need to lead the charge. Trump and Q and the Navy Seals are ready to help, but they ain’t gonna do it for you… because if they do, what have you learned and what is to stop the same evil from taking over again? Nothing.