Anonymous ID: a0e020 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.4672955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#5961 Posted in 5963

>>4672061 Democrats only real argument against the wall is that Trump wants one

>>4671951 We are at Rally Bread velocity

>>4671912 , >>4672074 Thoughts on POTUS' address

>>4671839 Sanders responds to POTUS' address

>>4671801 POTUS: How to reveal DEM and msm lies 101

>>4671539, >>4671654 POTUS tweets Oval Office address video with a 3:15 timestamp

Anonymous ID: a0e020 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.4673507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3591


>>4673255 Pro-dry Baptists join Russian bots in Dem fakes club.

>>4673469 Kek's 1st Meme Division responds with overwhelming firepower.

>>4673355 Anon analyzes the genius of POTUS negotiation tactics.

>>4673119, >>4673126 POTUS speech transcipt. (Capslock warning)

>>4673060, >>4673050 US DoD Tweet: Ready to fight!

>>4672990 “At the request of Democrats” is world class trolling from Trump.

>>4672978 Hazardous materials found at foreign consulates in Australia.

>>4672866 Q proof: Video start / Q watch.


Last call

Anonymous ID: a0e020 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:26 p.m. No.4673613   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4673452, >>4673476 Full text of President Trump's Address to the Nation on Border Security.

>>4673340 Tonight's Address a pre-text to using a National Emergency to build the wall?

>>4673255 Pro-dry Baptists join Russian bots in Dem fakes club.

>>4673469 Kek's 1st Meme Division responds with overwhelming firepower.

>>4673355 Anon analyzes the genius of POTUS negotiation tactics.

>>4673060, >>4673050 US DoD Tweet: Ready to fight!

>>4672990 “At the request of Democrats” is world class trolling from Trump.

>>4672978 Hazardous materials found at foreign consulates in Australia.

>>4672866 Q proof: Video start / Q watch.

