ADL, Terrorist and Mafia connected and Defending a Pedophile Rapist and Murderer from its inception
Many of you know that a B’nai B’rith organization gave birth to the ADL while defending its Atlanta chapter president Leon Frank, who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl who he was also employing along with many other teens, against child labor laws. Leon Frank ran a pencil factory sweatshop and often flirted with his illegal underage employees. The ADL was formed to defend him when he murdered and raped Mary Phagan. The details were disgusting. Her underwear was ripped and bloody and she was strangled to death with a wire. her head had also been pummeled with a pipe. She went to get her paycheck of a meager $1.20 and never returned home. She was raped and murdered and then her body was dragged to the basement. Police found strands of her hair and blood on the floor above right across from Frank’s office. Frank nervously revealed the victims name in front of police before they had given him any such details. The ADL was going to get him released based purely on the fact that He was Jewish and a high profile crime made Jews look bad. Arguably a Jewish organization trying to get a child murderer off the hook, makes Jews look worse. They would like one to believe that he was innocent with fake news history and will tell you so on Wikipedia which has Israelis paid to edit it. Leon admitted on the witness stand to the jury that he was “unconsciously” at the scene of the crime when the murder occurred. What we don’t know is if he raped her before or after killing her. He was convicted. The grand jury vote 21 – 0 for indicting him. Four of those jurors were Jewish. That shouldn’t matter, but it does because later the ADL would try to argue that the jury wrongly convicted him because of antisemitism rather than because of all the evidence showed that he did it in everyone’s eyes. He was convicted. After the Judge, Leonard Roan, rejected all the appeals, he ordered Leon to be hanged on his birthday April 17, 1913. However Frank who was unanimously elected president on the B’Nai Birth Chapter again even after being convicted of rape and murder had one last method to weasel out. He with Jewish Pressure groups, appealed to the Governor. The lame-duck governor, John M. Slaton, in a very Clinton-esk move, commuted Leon’s sentence his last week in office. He changed it form the death penalty to life in prison.