Anonymous ID: 3a407b Jan. 8, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.4674019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4673655 PB No one should need the MSM and CNN to tell them that Trump's re-election is in trouble if he doesn't get something moving pretty dam quick. The senate saved him from impeachment but the fact that the best this board can come up with that this is a slow reveal to bring normies along and then make fun of two half dead Dems, doesnt bode well for the plan. If there is really something to be shown about the deep state, it better come out pretty quick because the circle jerk going on here isn't going to lead to re-election. Q kept people hopeful for the mid terms, but if the extent of happening is cabinet level ciaos and a replay of the republican elite and the wealthy who profited on the moral and economic destruction of this country throughout their lifetimes reworking ideas that didn't work the first time around, the only thing left for this country is slaughter of the fated calf the globalist planned from the beginning. If that performance was suppose to convince anyone to change their minds about anything, it is a sad day for this country.