Who else snags memes from here and posts them to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
just for fun?
Currently my Twitter is under suspension but, poop occurs.
Who else snags memes from here and posts them to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
just for fun?
Currently my Twitter is under suspension but, poop occurs.
Why the fuck is there not an all out attack on all these evil-doers?
To think such things are happening in this world is chilling!
They will literally terrify a child to extremes wearing animal heads in shit to produce Adrenochrome as they cut their face off.
FACT-CHECK: During President Trump’s address, the president said his proposed wall along the border would "very quickly pay for itself."
Verdict: TRUE
Trump’s request for $5.7 billion for a border wall is 20 times less expensive to Americans than the annual burden of paying for mass illegal immigration, wherein hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pour into the country every year to strain public services and welfare.
I was venting..
Sorry. Just antsy and wanting some justice now.
right now.. Ugh
tapping foot