Commie Chuck, Nancy, and Sandy…
Same verbiage N&C used… Lazy…
Iris's detachable penis must have lodged in Chuck's ass and he didn't have enough time to get it surgically removed…
If only they worked, then they can actually call themselves "The Worker's Party."
Subtle, but kektabulous!
News narrative is going to shift towards Trump favorably slowly but surely to escape the bias exposure of broadcasting the same message while Trump acts Presidential. When it is mostly pro-Trump positivism and no longer incites hate through exaggerated lies, you'll know we are nearing the end of the cabal's control schemes.
Trump will continue this fact checking in his future messages and tweets to supersede any gotcha's. Just watch! And the media will grow more and more exasperated when they can no longer point the finger. Then the finger pointing will be coming back at them.