This is how you work in lock step.
Anons, CALL CONGRESS and ASK your representatives to fund the wall
This is how you work in lock step.
Anons, CALL CONGRESS and ASK your representatives to fund the wall
illegals make great fodder for adding votes.
as well as assets.
secure the votes 100%. Do NOT allow what happened in 2018 to happen in 2020.
oy vey
muh shekelz
its like annudda shoah
after we reopen (when the fucking treasonous dems admit they are wrong), make sure to call in everyone but them.
(((ABC))) is forced to do this and change gear quickly. They were told to admit the obvious ones, and devise/set up counter in other technicalities and points to distract/confuse later.
This seeming 'defeat' is simply doing a two step dance to cushion the 'blow' and trying to maintain credibility. As long as the audience is massive and not questioning/being fed what they expect, (((they))) can always slip in a mickey later.
very likely. DEMs have a peculiar propensity along with (((them))) in enslaving and abusing blacks homosexually.
Not kidding these fucking deviants are SICK.
is the tree fucking bi sexual bitch of a failure still trying to hop on POTUS's lap?
If this is the so-called scion of the great rothschilds they are well and truly fucked.
Bet he read liddle davie roth's comments KEK
fucking roth boi went from the 'scion' to 'degenerate twitter shitposter' during these times.
Long ways to fall.