>>4669484 (pb)
To the French anon calling for solidary as Macron brings in brutal foreign mercenaries:
Gilets Jaunes have called for a bank run on Saturday. I think it's a great idea. Let's kick it up a notch. Let's make it Global Fuck the Rothschilds by Buying Gold Day.
The gold market is incredibly tight, probably because big players know a fight is brewing between Trump and the Fed. Last month, $250 million of physical purchases would have been enough to take down the COMEX. It must be even tighter now. Anons should know that the entire gold market is a giant Ponzi scheme whose purpose is to suppress the price of gold, and thereby allow the Rothschilds to print more fiat money without people getting wise to the scam. Only a small fraction (i.e. less than 1%) of the people who think they own gold through futures, bullion banks and ETFs will be able to trade their worthless Rothschild electrons for real metal.
Now is the perfect time to call bullshit on the entire system. We could trigger a chain reaction which would bring EVERYTHING down. Here's how it goes:
Blow up the gold Ponzi. Blow up the bullion banks. Blow up the derivatives market. Blow up every other major bank. Blow up the legal counterfeiting operations known as central banks. Blow up the welfare state. Blow up the cities. Blow up the comforts and delusions of clueless white people. Blow up governments. Blow up the EU. Blow up the NWO!
Bonus points for blowing up the silver market and the tech companies. Let's summon a Howling Shitstorm that will never be forgotten. Let's do it now, before the Fed raises rates too much and the media blames the crack withdrawals on Trump. But we would love to take the blame for throwing the snowball that starts an avalanche. Hail Victory!