diff poster but yes gate. what's the significance of the gate link?
what do you mean by protection?
how is commenting on gate doxing? yeah i didn't think so
got any sauce on that? who's the One and what is the point of it all
well in my case i haven't been contacted by anybody so sounds like babble to me, par for the course here
enjoyed that. original?
handle a wrench?
who knows. certainly not me in any event
so terribly enlightening
i've read a few of those posts. seemed like BS. my experience in gate was very different. very normal. nothing weird about it. it sure would be nice if any of that were true for the gov to stop acting like fags for 1 second and come clean about it
errโฆ one for each news network? elementary my dear watson
how do you know any of that? what is the plan? how do you know you screwed it up? are you just guessing?
do elaborate
not a terribly straightforward answer so i'll take that as a ..maybe?
hearty kek
everyone has teeth
what made it necessary? care to be any more forthcoming?
who even knows. it's all so tiresome
not too terribly enlightening either
care to elaborate for all the special persons online?
does it make you feel good playing word games anonymously?
well keep to yourself if you must. but one thing's for sure, it'd make a hell of a post for me personally if you elaborated
what's the basis for this thinking?
mine too by far
very well then
how did they let you know? by mail? by paper?
i'm not fixated on elves at all. i think you're a bullshitter
i'm not silly at all
i do. all the desciples were alseep. who knew it even happened?
why can't you? you can
pretty fuckin' lame there my fren. all around.