>got any sauce on that? who's the One and what is the point of it all
At this point I am starting to lean toward the Biblical for explaining it.
I didn't coin the term "the One" with respect to GATE, but I did come across it when digging through all the past GATE threads on 4chan and 8ch. Few posters mentioned that GATE was a cover for CIA or other classified intel agencies operations in which they were searching for a specific individual. Either the antichrist or the messiah.
The various tests that former GATEfags would report did give credence and evidence that whoever was actually running GATE, was looking for someone with beyond human capabilities in terms of psychic or spiritual energy and capabilities.
If you are a Christian and have studied the Bible somewhat then these powers would be explained as gifts of God via the Holy Spirit. So the gift of prophecy, divine wisdom, insight and etc…