Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 12:52 a.m. No.4677639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7658 >>7674 >>7706

>>4677455 (LB)

>>4677504 (LB)

I agree. I wonder if there is a tone or frequency that is helping them "sleep"… also what makes it so that we have never been that way? Anon(s) have you always been awake or just since Q? Personally I have always been the skeptical minded and never fully trusted. A healthy dose of WTF and watch your 6… not talking up, just saying are we all of a certain chemistry or something that does not allow their brainwash to happen to us?


Okay that said, and combining with the other stuff..


In the digs after Q dropped about mind control/deepdream… digging on the missing words and all. letters missing were "administered 4 times daily by "CELLPHONE".


Okay.. so what were the missing words that described what they look for? GAD (general anxiety disorder), depression, PTSD+..


Anons.. I need help with this dig.


There is the listed hospital and also the doctors.


I have enough energy in me to do a graphic. If anons would help, I think we can get a better picture of this.


This "virtual psychyatrist can prescribe drugs and follow ups."!!!!!!!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH HAIR STANDING UP ON MY NECK!?


>>4677516 (LB)



>>4677455 (LB)


absolutely it is. RFID/5G..


So RFID is a chip that is "excited" when it goes into an electric field. The 5G could be that. Also the "alien abductions and implants".. could have been experiments? Why the "white vans and black helicopters" would menace certain people? CIA dark programs and they had to keep track of their "patients"?

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m. No.4677717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7822


is she wearing Depends?



out-fucking-standing anon






I am seeing it MORE AND MORE.. like literally and you see how they all respond and viciously they are attacking. There is just a ton, It would take me till the end of the week to put it all together myself and miss everything from now till then to get it all out for proofs and people to see it clearly. I mean WE ALL see it, but it is the examples, they trying to turn us into electrical generators and hearing (SINCE THE MATRIX) we live in a simulation etc..


and while listening to Dave X22report tonight.. this was on the side for "suggested viewing" David Icke "who built the matrix".. kek We have left bizzaro world for something I cannot describe. makes me seriously want to watch my 6 harder than ever before.


I am also going to make a faraday cage for my cellphone and electronics and check them only sporadically in the day.

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 1:22 a.m. No.4677812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7825


WHOA!! keekekekkkeeek?? ha.. wow


yeah think it just fucking clicked with nightcrew.. last 3 nights have totally joined gaps..


I am literally trying to read everyone's post and respond cause I am beside myself right now with it all.



I remember when new being told I glow and all kinnds of retarded (not autistic) shit. We are cool.



Makes you have a personal connection with Qteam doesn't it? They are saying a prayer for us and them. God bless em.



KEK.. one night Q was dropping and we were just talking cannabis :D kekekek



Fuck yeah it is!



Are you okay? Is there any lasting issues/effects? Are YOU okay? What Q describes and what the articles around MKUltra/DeepDream.. do you feel what they describe in the only bits of info they have shared? Hearing voices or wanting to do something you know you don't WANT to do?




Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 1:35 a.m. No.4677897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really is.



many say as they smoke CBD it actually somehow gets them high. Terpenes and flavonoids and compounds we are just learning about in cannabis and hemp are showing us it is an AMAZING plant(s)..



dear god no.. and there is a #2?? feccck.. >>4677774

destroy them as in destroying a demon anon.. what he is meaning.



last night I felt like I could not learn 1 more thing or my head would literally split open.




He's good, and I feel okay. I am just tripping. I am making a faraday cage though. Gotta go Mel Gibson and line the walls with metal! (fuck you MSM I am kidding)

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.4677988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8007 >>8112 >>8222 >>8266

something I wanted to bring up, it is the dates.


The dates all the cabal really got rich was 09 to present.


There was a ramp up in need for control prior to 2015. Regina Dugan, when she went to Google after DARPA.. google had purchased Motorola, fuck I think I had said Ericsson on accident the other night, anyway they purchased Motorola and was working on "hardware" (I suspect she came from DARPA after Google Purchased one of the mobile companies so they could take MKULTRA mainstream with a cellular company (possibly using whatever infrastructure that exists for both a way to implement the brain control and secret comms for the deepstate.. and tech there at Google. Their goal was to have things completed in 2 yrs, so they undertook a massive (didn't say exactly what "IT" was) but they had the goal/need to get things done in 2yrs. They did, 2 yrs came up and she moved to Facebook's Building 8.


So 2016 election was coming up, and for "some reason" they had to have things done for it. She left for Building 8 April 2016.


Anyway.. everyone (Pelosi/Feinstein/Waters/Schumer/etc..) all got WEALTHY since Obama took office.


You will also see alot of dates of things happening in 2015/16 which coincides with the election.


So things start happening in 2009, or a marker where their wealth was X.. and by end of Hussein Admin it was XX in Pelosi's case it doubled.


So watch dates and bring it up as you are digging about whatever you are digging on. Important, know Q has asked about dates in regards to their money and timelines for things happening.


Tired so hope this makes sense.

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 2:18 a.m. No.4678150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8222 >>8266 >>8298


At Darpa she and her team worked on Brain Injury.. came up with a "blast detector".. fuuuuuuuuck.


But there is more, and the dates to watch out for, to note.. 2015 is HUGE.. and so much went down during that time. I was diggin and just found some more.


I have to post it or I will forget about it, but at same time soo tired.

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 2:34 a.m. No.4678252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

one last thing, Maggie kept talking about train.. you anons realize a year ago camp david trip that the Republicans train was fucked with?

Anonymous ID: 45d751 Jan. 9, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.4678334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>4678308 I remember digging on her, just not that she is a he.. kek.. with the way things are going, it does not surprise me at all. serious.


All about control anons.