After studying both Trump's video and Schumer/Pelosi's video, I am 100% convinced we were witnessing a pre-recorded green screen on both videos. The fact that Trump's team tweeted a picture of all of them in the Oval Office "after" the speech seemed like an attempt to "showcase" where they really were. Why go to the trouble of tweeting all those angles of the speech from his staff?
In fact, Schumer alludes to the "spoofyness" at 3:55 in his video when he says Trump gave a speech with the "backdrop" of the Oval Office behind him. Backdrop? Code for green screen?
Remember Schumer/Pelosi are hostages right now acting a role to save their lives. Mike Huckabee tweeted they "looked like Hostages" tonight as well. Of course they are. Another clue?
Here are my concerns…
Both videos already have the actors in a fixed position that never moves back or forward at all. This creates a fixed perspective relative to the backdrop. Normally you would see them walking up to the podium as opposed to anchored at the podium.
Both videos have an odd edge corona along the hairline relative to the backdrop. Especially around Schumer's hair.
Trump's video is delayed to start with which is virtually unheard of with a President's National Address, and it is exactly 9:11 long which would be incredibly difficult to time perfectly if recorded live.
I believe we just witnessed the good guys running a real time test where these 2 pre-recorded videos were sequentially broadcast over a buffered feed during the initial delay, and then using some form of classified SAT tech, we forced the signal down the throats of MSM. This may have been a threat to the media globalists that we can take over their feeds anytime if they don't report the real news when SHTF.
Trump then tweeted the words "soooo" and "Oval Office". The video started at 3:15. The watch was at 3:15. The post ID 315 had "Booom" and "BOOM". The odds of this coincidence are astronomical. And then he said "interesting experience" which is totally out of context to a boring speech. Another clue?
Very odd. Likely a trial run. SKY FORTRESS engaged? Maybe we can now control the airwaves at will. Q says this is a WAR. The Q putas the @ symbol in KILL BOXES like this [@].
If the media is truly the enemy of the people, then a weapon that can defeat it would be like a nuclear bomb in the 40's.
Who knows. This is fun to watch.