Anonymous ID: d37a06 Jan. 9, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.4678234   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also things happening that I can't explain.. too many coincidences.

First thing was about a year before Trump announced he was thinking about running for POTUS I knew he was going to and would be elected. Can't explain how I knew other than a thought which provoked an internal conversation between myself and God. I'm a Canadian who never really paid attention to politics but I knew I was being invited to pray for DJT. I'd shut off the MSM in the mid 90's so I began seeking God regarding where/who to trust regarding current events because I really wanted to know what is going on. I didn't use social media platforms other than YT because I knew they were gathering info on all of us but I felt lead to get on Twitter and add all the spiritual teachers I'd listen to for years. After witnessing Jordan Peterson stand his ground in Toronto over freedom of speech in Canada I became engaged in the fight to change the narrative. Somehow it seems I was guided/invited to join the Great Awakening and had some exposure to 4chan posts regarding the Vegas shootings which lead to being on when Q began posting oct 28 2018. Have not been able to look away since. things I can't explain? Had both my Truck and trailer lic plates stolen on 2 different occasions. Randomly generated new plates came up with 4517 combination on one and 45 on the trailer. Someone gave me a snow globe with a single white rabbit in it. the number combinations I have seen for years 333 1111 911 420. I'm learning to pay more attention to His voice and pray and act accordingly. It's been a wild ride. When I pray and lurk here usually things stand out which prove to be over the target and useful for pilling on Twitter.