Pfft, hardly.
You wish.
I'm long over being mad.
Been there, done that. The same as I did the Trump is good, Trump is great bullshit.
I got through it, anon. I came out on the other side and lived to tell about it.
If you need help to get through the Trump is great, Trump is fucking God, bullshit, I'm here for ya. ;)
Orange Man cut taxes for EVERYONE, but most of all for his buddies who have already been ripping you off for decades.
Yes Orange Man BAD.
Way to fuck the economy, Orange Man.
Way to pull the wool over the ignorant eyes of the super fucking stupid fucks that voted you in.
If your Q God can give me a guarantee that Israel will be taken down in the next five minutes then I'm on board.
Israel isn't suffering as a result of anything Trump or Q have done. Quite the contrary.
If we know what's going on, kind of, sort of, with drops and crumbs and inuendo, and fuck knows, then Israel/MOSSAD/Zionists are 10 steps ahead of you.
If you think that Kushner is a white hat, if you think that Trump sold his daughter to Kushner/Israel/Chabad Lupavitch in order to take down the cabal, you're a fucking MORON in the true sense of the word as we know it.
Fucking idiot, you are.
He's not saving Israel for last. He's saving Israel from us, from all of us who have enough common dog fuck to know what the fuck he's doing and what they're doing.
Are you that fucking blind?
Sure you are. Of course you are.
You think you know so much but you know fuck all.
Your president has been sucking Zionist dick for decades. He sold his children of to Zionists to ensure their and their childrens place in the supreme race. Yeah, that. Did you think that shit was Hitler's idea?
NO it was not.
Hitler's so-called idea of a superior race was an introduction and a normalization strategy.
It worked.
Pathetic attempt at a come back.
Hold your breath, anon. Or come up with something new and mildly entertaining.
If you have something else, be sure to look me up.
Oh pa-leeze come up with some new bullshit.
Same shit, different scam.
Admit it, I'm here to make you love your pathetic president moar.
Just tell me I'm doing a great job and I'll get that bonus I've been playing for.
Meh, this board's as boring as fuck in just about every aspect of how it could possibly be so.
It was way more fun before that fake fuck Q came back. Q the 3rd or 4th, I think. Not sure, maybe the 5th. There's a succession to be sure. It could be familial, but then, there's always the issue of the complete difference in how they come across and interact, yeah.
Pfft. Don't care. I'm out.
Go masturbate to a trump photo, anons.