Anonymous ID: 9f58e4 Jan. 9, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.4678478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8511




>To investigate / debunk/ or counter as this is all they've got


1.“Statistics show that there is less violent crime by the undocumented immigrant population than by the general population.”


I challenge the newspeak by asking simple and seemingly stupid questions.


Ans: what is an undocumented immigrant. There is no definition for the immigration status of "undocumented immigrant". There will be no stats for this media-invented euphemism "undocumented immigrant/Migrant".


However there are plenty of stats and reports on illegal aliens.




DOJ stats

DOJ Releases Shocking 2018 Illegal Alien Crime Statistics and Media is Silent


The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security have now released their 2018 quarterly reports on the arrests of illegal aliens inside the United States of America, and the statistics of those currently in federal custody pending trial or deportation are quite shocking.


The mainstream media makes an effort to depict those incarcerated by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agencies as being “Dreamers” or “innocent children,” and in reality that's the furthest thing from the truth, according to the report on the Justice Department website.


As a result of President Trump’s Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, there's a specific requirement given to both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for each government agency to collect the relevant data and provide quarterly reports on data collection efforts.


The report finds that more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were known or suspected aliens, a shocking misuse of our prison systems and a major burden on the taxpayers of this country.


This could be avoided if a border wall were funded immediately.


Even moreover interesting is that 93 percent of all confirmed aliens that are in DOJ custody are in the United States unlawfully, meaning that the ICE agency is accurately making arrests of those who shouldn't be in the United States of America in the first place.


On June 7th of 2018, the DOJ and DHS released the full Fiscal Year First Quarter Alien Incarceration Report for download, complying with this order.


I have a welfare pdf.