Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.4679160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9294 >>9315 >>9476 >>9810 >>9837

Here is the Daily Mail's story on RR.

They also had a picture of Barr,

William Barr's Senate confirmation hearing begins January 15


Rosenstein out! Deputy AG who oversaw Mueller probe and clashed with Trump will leave Justice Department once new attorney general is confirmed

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is planning to leave the Justice Department after William Barr is confirmed as the new attorney general

Rosenstein and President Trump have clashed over Robert Mueller's probe

But Rosenstein is leaving voluntarily and not being forced out

Rosenstein oversaw Mueller's Russia probe and appointed him special counsel

Barr's confirmation hearing begins Jan. 15; he could be confirmed in February


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will leave the Justice Department after William Barr, President Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general, is confirmed, it was revealed on Wednesday.


There is no indication he is being forced out by the president, with whom he has clashed in the past, ABC News reported.


Rosenstein, who became deputy attorney general at the start of Trump's tenure, long planned to only serve two years, NBC News reported.


Rosenstein oversaw special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russia's influence on the 2016 election and was often a target of Trump's anger over the probe.

He has been on the brink of an exit before, notably in September when he and Trump clashed after a report that Rosenstein secretly recorded Trump and was looking at invoking the 25th amendment to remove him from office.

But Mueller's probe was at the heart of the disagreement between the two men.

It was Rosenstein who appointed Mueller as special counsel after then-Attorney Feneral Jeff Session recused himself from overseeing the investigation.

The deputy attorney general was thought to leave after Sessions exited the top job at Justice last year but he stayed on while Matt Whittaker acted as acting attorney general.

Barr's Senate confirmation hearing begins January 15, which means a confirmation vote at the earliest would take place in mid-February.

If confirmed, Barr would oversee Mueller's investigation although Rosenstein is apparently still handling some of the day-to-day matters in regards to the probe.

In September, Rosenstein was the subject of intense speculation over his fate.


There was one chaotic day were reports had Rosenstein in route to the White House to be fired only he ended up being there for a routine Cabinet meeting.

The pandemonium was the result of reports Rosenstein wore a 'wire' to record conversations with President Trump and recruited Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office.

Rosenstein denied the allegations and several of his supporters said his 'wire' comment was a joke.

Trump met with Rosenstein shortly after the incident and said he had no plans to fire him.

The president was also furious with Rosenstein in April when the deputy attorney general approved the FBI raid on Michael Cohen, who was then Trump's personal attorney.

The results of that raid helped bring about Cohen's conviction on eight counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud. He later pled guilty to lying to Congress and has been sentenced to three years in prison.

Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 5:49 a.m. No.4679260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9342 >>9476 >>9810 >>9837

Inside Facebook's 'cult-like' workplace: 12 whistleblowers reveal how staff are 'ranked using cutthroat evaluations that mean dissent is discouraged, leaving workers wandering around feigning happiness'

Report from CNBC on Tuesday details complaints of former Facebook workers

Describes work environment where dissent is discouraged by bosses

Claims staff are forced to feign happiness and participate in 'team building'

Reveals the harsh 'stacked ranking' system used for biannual employee reviews

Suggests workplace culture contributed to recent blunders by company

A new report has revealed the complaints of some former Facebook employees who accuse the company of having a 'cult-like' workplace culture.

The CNBC report, published on Tuesday, cites more than a dozen former Facebook employees who left between late 2016 and the end of 2018, and who declined to be named.

The ex-employees describe a workplace where dissent was discouraged and they felt compelled to feign happiness, while a harsh 'stacked ranking' system of evaluations encouraged short-term thinking.

It comes as Facebook's stock has taken a beating, with share prices falling nearly 30 per cent in 2018 in the wake of well-publicized scandals over user data privacy and the role of the platform in spreading false information.

Facebook declined to comment to CNBC on the claim that its workplace is 'cult-like,' and the company did not immediately respond to an inquiry from

Former employees said that despite Facebook COO Sheryl Sandbeg's mantra encouraging 'authentic self,' they rarely felt empowered to speak up to question company leadership.

One former manager said that after he asked tough questions about a company initiative at an 'all-hands' meeting, he and his bosses received a barrage of angry calls from the team running that program.

'I never felt it was an environment that truly encouraged 'authentic self' and encouraged real dissent because the times I personally did it, I always got calls,' said the former manager, who left the company in early 2018.


Other ex-employees said they felt forced to feign happiness with their work and participate in after-hours team-building activities.

One, who was going through a divorce at the time, described getting criticism from a manager for failing to attend an after-work event.


'She definitely marked me down for not attending those team-building events, but I couldn't attend because I was going through my own issues and needed work-life balance,' the former employee told CNBC.


Facebook said that its employees are not forced to attend any after-hours events. The former Facebook employees said that they also felt pressure to post positive news about the company on Facebook itself, aware that all of their colleagues were watching.

Another consistent complaint centered on Facebook's twice-yearly system of employee evaluations, called stacked ranking.

The system, which is common in Silicon Valley, involves assigning a certain percentage of the workforce to each of several ranking categories, the lower of which could mean that firing is imminent.

Microsoft used stacked ranking until 2013, when the company abandoned it due to widespread employee complaints.

At Facebook, anonymous peer reviews are also a key part of the evaluation process, which the former workers say pressures employees to forge friendships to curry positive feedback.

'It's a little bit of a popularity contest,' one manager who left the company in 2017 told CNBC.

Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.4679318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These 2 stories were next to eachother and both regard phone companies and data and tracking.

( because if you can't remove facebook app they can still trace you)


T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T are under fire for STILL selling customer location data seven months after they pledged to stop - as bounty hunter demonstrates how he can locate anyone for $300

New report on Tuesday in Motherboard reveals market for cell location data

Bounty hunter was able to locate T-Mobile phone phone for $300 fee

Used access to a third-party location data broker to track mobile phone

All major cell phone carriers swore to stop selling location data last June

Yet data broker Microbilt appears to still have access to T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T

T-Mobile CEO says location data aggregator sales will end in March


Samsung users CAN'T delete Facebook app: Furious customers take to social media after being unable to remove the software in the wake of revelations over the firm's handling of data

Some Android devices are not able to permanently delete the app from devices

Users can 'disable' the app but some question whether data can still be tracked

People more concerned about their privacy after Cambridge Analytica scandal

Social media users are questioning Samsung's deal with Facebook to sell phones

Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.4679420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442



they also made a movie with HANX

People said the movie sucks,kek

i know movies are different than books.

But should be close enough to get the point of the book, if your a PoorFag, and can find it online.

But then you have to endure an hour or 2 with creepy Hanx.

Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.4679542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9584


Gee, she must be talking about the people in the caravan that were waving flags from their home countries like Guatamala.

She needs to get a job representing people in another country.

She does not represent New York or America.

Anonymous ID: 100d0f Jan. 9, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.4679584   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow following President Trump's Oval Office address, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally are "more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be.