anonymous ID: 1675dd Jan. 9, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.4681079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1267 >>1305

Was this military operation connected to threat on 8 world leader?

On Christmas while "the water" was crying POTUS doesn't visit the troops, what leader's were being protected?

Will there be more military action like the one above to keep these leaders safe?

Who is John Casey?

Why did Q direct people to the Electric Universe Model?

Are we headed into a Solar minimum?

Does science Sun is Plasma not gas giant?

Is there a deep sun electromagnetic wave?

Is there an electromagnetic wave closer to the service of the sun?

Can two electromagnetic waves enhance solar out put?

Can two electromagnetic waves cancel each other leading to solar minimum?

How much has the Earth's magnetic pole moved since 1900?

1500 miles?

Did we really go to the moon to collect rocks?

What was the real reason behind collecting this rocks?

Does the Earth have a pattern of pole shifts in the past?

Does both known evidence show this here and on moon?

Is this being hidden by, look here global warming?

When the 1% know the truth of what is coming?

Is the core of the earth Iron?

is the core of the earth plasma?

At what temp does Iron loose magnetism, Curie 1043K?

Temperature at the center of Earth, 6000K?


Does the earth, as above so below have deep and shallow electromagnetic waves?

Is the Earth's magnetic field rapidly weakening?

Will this cause a magnetic pole shift?


anonymous ID: 1675dd Jan. 9, 2019, 9:21 a.m. No.4681317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1331 >>1340 >>1362

Is the magnetic strength of Earth weakening?

Is the interaction between Sun and Earth causing what we see on the sun to happen here?

Are the deep and shallow Earth Magnetic waves canceling each other out?

Does this allow more cosmic rays to effect earth?

Is the temperature of the plasma core of earth rising?

Would that increased heat rise too mantel and give tectonic plates the grease to increase movement?

Would this lead to more volcanic and earth quake activity?

Does the strange deep pattern that has been detected resemble an electromagnetic wave?

Is this information like always being covered up?

Why are the 1% building DUMBs?

Q says the end will not be for everyone!

What does that mean?

If WWG1WWGA is truth why would the end not be for all?

What is really going on in Antarctic?

Why would some think Georgia guide stone population might happen?


anonymous ID: 1675dd Jan. 9, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.4681443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In international relations, there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests. The original of this pragmatism is generally conceded to Lord Palmerston (John Henry Temple) of Great Britain, but most world leaders have invoked it at one time or another to justify their policies and actions.


This pragmatism pervades other relationships: political, communal, marital and personal. In our country, politicians change political loyalty after every presidential election, conveniently embracing erstwhile opponents and undermining erstwhile friends.

Is this truth?

What is truly causing USA, Russia and China to at times work together?

What is the UFO cover story, covering up?

Why did POTUS put so much time and effort into the "FARM BILL"?

Do we know for a fact that a magnetic pole shift happened here on Earth 12,000 years ago?

Do we see the extent of how advanced an earlier culture was on Earth?

Did people survive that pole shift?

Will people survive this pole shift?

Did culture collapse after the all that this caused to happen on earth last time?

What is POTUS planning on leading us through "together"?

What else in Science have we been lied to about?
