Anonymous ID: 634954 Jan. 9, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.4681393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4677735 (PB)

No. That was never the point. During a "shutdown" would actually NOT be a good time for that.

>>4677698 (PB)

> all is a childish game, empty of reality, an illusion of shadows

Is this the new slide?

>>4677667 (PB)

>My whole life seems to have drawn me to this moment in time.

It has.

Now quit sliding the bread with dreamy 7th grade philosophy class.

>>4677727 (PB)

Go light on the apple juice – way too much conjecture. Schumer was whining that Trump had the prestige of the Oval Office working for him whereas all he and Pelosi could dig up was a wall of flags at the end of a hallway. Jealousy at work in that observation. Trump was already seated at the desk. This is normal. (His reflection in the glass moves, so not a green screen.) Chuck and Nancy were at the end of a long hallway and not on a stage. The flags were covering up a window and the closest they could come to the inherent decorum of the Oval Office. For them, stage right or left didn't exist. Moreover, the equal time doctrine (which they tried to claim but doesn't actually apply here) ONLY allows them >equal< time. President Trump got right into his presentation … and that forced them to do the same. Moreover, they had to 1) share the time 2) lose time seguing from one to the other. My President is a crafty bastard … he got the full 8 minutes – they did not and it can't be blamed on him. ;-)

It is obvious that Nancy either did not hear Trump's presentation or is too dense to realize that he was talking about the wall around her house … which Don had identified as a reasonable thing to have … and thus she said that the reason he wants a wall is malice … implying that malice was her own motivation for having a wall.


I don't see how Chuck and Nancy recover from this. It WAS winnable (give Trump what he wants / get something useful in return) but now it is pretty much a train wreck and the Dem party has SERIOUS mud on its face.

>>4677774 (PB)

Vengeance, saith the Lord, is mine. I will repay.

Fair enough. But turning the other cheek ONLY applies to minor wrongs, not to deliberate attempts to destroy someone. Force only recognizes superior force and we must respond with superior force every time or we will find ourselves responding with inferior force -all- the time – until we can no longer respond at all.

>>4677771 (PB)

There are many kinds of strength. Trump is probably stronger than you are in terms of personal will. Do not follow him into the streets until he leads you there. You're out of line, soldier.

>>4677769 (PB)

Clean your room. There is a reason nearly every successful person is a neat person. Success comes from ordered thinking and a neat and clean environment is both a cause AND a result of ordered thinking.

Why do you think the military are such neat freaks?

Turn off the TV and video games. Those clutter your mind the same as a dirty room does.