some say that's not really news .. wonder why
KEK,, bet they would be pissed if they knew
DHS Has Equipped 400 Police Departments With Military-Grade Sound Cannons
A recent article in the Mohave Valley Daily News revealed that DHS is using grant money to equip Arizona police departments with military-grade sound cannons or Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD).
The Bullhead City Police Department received $54,000 in grant money to purchase a 100X model and a 450XL model LRAD.
The mass media has known about DHS’s plan to equip police departments with LRADs for more than a decade but has remained largely silent.
A Washington Times article from 2009, titled “DHS helps local police buy military-style sonic devices” warned everyone that military-grade sound cannons are being used against Americans.
With the help of Homeland Security grants, police departments nationwide looking to subdue unruly crowds and political protesters are purchasing a high-tech device originally used by the military to repel battlefield insurgents and Somali pirates with piercing noise capable of damaging hearing.
(Click here & here to learn how the NYPD has been using LRADs since 2004.)
An article in MuckRock warns that police departments across the country are purchasing different types of LRADs to be used against Americans. In fact, LRAD sells seventeen different types of sound cannons to law enforcement alone!
Bubonic plague found in Wyoming cat, 3rd such infection in 6 months
A domesticated cat has become the third feline in six months to be infected with bubonic plague in Wyoming in the Western US.
The cat was known to wander the area near its home and, when it showed worrying symptoms, samples were sent for testing. Bubonic plague infection was confirmed by the lab at the University of Wyoming shortly thereafter.
The cat fully recovered from the infection, according to a spokesperson for the Wyoming Department of Health, and with modern antibiotics and treatment, plague infections pose no major threat – certainly nothing close to the ‘Black Death’ which wiped out millions of people during the Middle Ages.
There have been a total of six human infections with bubonic plague in Wyoming since 1978, the most recent of which was in 2008, while roughly seven people per year contract the plague in the US overall. Significantly more cases of bubonic plague occur in parts of Africa and Asia.
Reported Cases of Human Plague - United States, 1970-2017 © Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Did you get the beer
I do not believe that he bought a copy of the Quran in order to glean "knowledge and wisdom," but rather to better understand America's enemies
The Truth About Thomas Jefferson's Koran
The Protestants alone are able to attack the Koran with success; and for them, I trust, Providence has reserved the glory of its overthrow.—George Sales (1697-1736) From the introduction to “Jefferson’s Koran”
Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.—Barack Obama
We’re going to impeach the motherf—ker.—Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib referring to President Trump
Obama is on record as stating that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” Is that true? Well yes, sort of.
If by “woven into the fabric of our country” you mean “following the Revolutionary War, Muslims were America’s first international enemies,” then yes, it’s true. Muslim pirates helped to kick start the US Navy into existence. Anchors aweigh Islam!
There was a definite downside to the United States gaining its freedom from Great Britain. Among the thornier problems our fledgling country faced was the fact that America lost the mantle of protection offered by Great Britain’s large fleet of naval ships. This meant that it was open season on American merchant ships in the Atlantic, and especially the Mediterranean—and Muslim pirates in the area were quick to jump on the opportunity.
For about 600 years, from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries, the pirates or corsairs of Barbary preyed on European commerce, taking thousands [some say over a million] of prisoners, and selling them as slaves in the mines or the galleys. European women were especially prized for their light complexions, fetching premium prices in the harems. Though prisoners could, in theory, be ransomed, the going rates for redemption were invariably high. The lives of most of the slaves, by contrast, were brutal, cruel and mercifully short.
…In a single six-month period between 1783 and 1784, the Barbary states sacked three American vessels. The crewmen were paraded down the streets of Fez and Algiers, pelted with rotten vegetables and offal, and thrown before the emperor or the pasha who reportedly told them, “I’ll make you eat stones, Christian dogs,” and then sold them to the highest bidders. —Michael B. Oren “The Middle East and the Making of the United States, 1776 to 1815”
Documents reveal the Obama State Department urgently gathering classified Russia investigation information and disseminating it to members of Congress within hours of Donald Trump taking office
The True Picture of the Real Obamas You Were Never Supposed To See
So much for the Jan. 20, 2017, worldwide ‘goodwill’ photos of Barack and Michelle Obama on Donald Trump Inauguration Day which time proved to be a well orchestrated hoax on unsuspecting watching masses.
Go have another look at the photos, and even though we now know that the Obamas went on to rake in millions of dollars after leaving office, thank God that their closest connection to the White House is only as “Resistance” leaders hiding in a mansion a few blocks away between speaking engagements and book signings.
In the photos, Barack and Michelle are depicted civilly and dutifully making a supposedly respected last farewell to newly sworn-in President Trump and First Lady Melania before boarding a waiting chopper taking them to an extended holiday in California and the Caribbean.
The millions watching televised clips of the Inauguration getting ready to don pink pussy caps for the next day’s Big Women’s Day march, must have consoled themselves by thinking “protocol makes its own demands”.
How many knew that just as the election of Donald Trump wasn’t supposed to happen, his Inauguration wasn’t supposed to happen, and that the Obama administration was working on scrapping the historic Inauguration mere hours before it took place.
Less than 24 hours before the Trump Inauguration, this was the message sent out to the Deep State from Naz Durakoglu, the former senior advisor to the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs: “We made the deadline! Thank you everyone for what was truly a Department-wide effort!’
The senior advisor was, like the many Deep State traitors included on the email string, counting scrawny chickens before they hatched—both back then and even now.
Their Crying
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Retire from the US Supreme Court in January, 2019
Editor's Note; We first posted this story in September, 2018. Sadly we were correct, as Justice Ginsburg underwent surgery on December 15th to remove a cancerous growth from her lungs. We are reposting it since so many people contacted us to ask if it was true, which sadly, it is. She did not appear for oral arguments on January 7, 2019, & it is becoming increasingly clear that she will not ever return to the bench.
Closer Everyday
New Car Tech Will Hoover Data On All Occupants
The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is a Technocrat bonanza gone wild. Your car used to be a private spot where you could ‘get away from it all’ but now that is over. Technocrats will use every sensor in the car, plus new ones, to monitor and analyze each occupant. ⁃ TN Editor
A Majority Of Americans Do Not Believe The Official 9/11 Story
TruePublica, a British website that has avoided the 9/11 issue, has had its fill of ignorant journalists at the BBC, Huffington Post and other propagandists for the military/security complex. The constant, shrill demeaning of experts and distinguished people who have raised questions about the official story has convinced TruePublica that skeptics who need so much shouting down must have a point.
The media has NEVER EXAMINED the evidence or explained the analysis provided by scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, and the first responders who experienced the explosions of the World Trade Center twin towers. The media has never asked for the release of the multiple videos that recorded whatever struck the Pentagon. The media has never investigated whether cell phones worked in 2001 from the altitudes at which the official story claims calls were made.
Instead two-bit punk presstitutes, such as the BBC’s Chris Bell and the Huffington Post’s Jess Brammer and Chris York, label experts with knowledge and integrity “conspiracy theorists.” These presstitutes knowingly use a cover-up term that the CIA put into use via its media assets to discredit the expert skeptics of the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President Kennedy.
The fact that the carefully presented evidence is NEVER ENGAGED EXCEPT WITH NAME-CALLING is a strong indication that the evidence is true and cannot be refuted.