Anonymous ID: 3412ee RBG cont. Jan. 9, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.4682809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From last bread..


>are u part of her medical team that Q is telling us is controlled by the cabal….


>the facts don't add up


>btw where does metastatic pancreatic cancer usualyl spread?


I am an internist. Most of the medications I use work very well, and I even take a lot of them. Atorvastatin for one. Antibiotics are life savers. Oncology is an entirely different beast. I would consider myself an expert in diagnosing cancers, but all cancer treatments are done by oncologist and this area seems to get the brunt of criticism, mainly because it's no panacea and it's very expensive. I def am not a part of any cabal. I have noticed that the guidelines for screening are getting more lax. Pap smear every 3-5 years now instead of annually. The data supports it, but can we trust the data?


Since the pancreas is in the GI system, mets usually go there first such as liver.. But the lungs are always a possibility with any cancer. Primary lung cancer almost always starts as single mass. It can met to contralateral lung. Two small nodules in lower lobe…. 98% likely it's met from unknown primary. Colon vs Pancreas since she already has this dx.