Are you fucking retarded? You are crying about a populist taking votes away from one of the establishment political parties that ultimately do not serve the interests of Canadians? You must be a retard to think that the Conservatives are entitled to anyone's vote just for the sake of replacing Trudeau. I for one, refuse to accept the lesser of two evils. You'd best grow a brain, anon, yours seems to be missing. Scheer is a pandering, globalist fuck that was selected to lead the Conservatives, not elected. He was helped by people with extremely deep pockets as he could not be elected on his own merit. Isn't that exactly the same behavior that we're hoping to rid from our political system that has set Trudeau on such a destructive path? Fuck, are you stupid. You don't belong here, fuck off.
I feel the same way, it's almost as if this whole SNC scandal was fabricated as a way for Trudeau to step down as opposed to the US military busting down his door for being an enemy of the USA, which would completely devastate the Liberal party. Not that they aren't already fucked but it almost seems as though they'll parade Jody out as the new hero leader with the integrity to save the party. Knowing how stupid liberal voters are they will likely cheer her on and allow the Libs to continue governing. Something seems off about this. The fact that Jody's Dad met with Trudeau Sr. Many years ago, exclaiming that Jody would love to be PM one day also has me wondering. We all know how these elites operate in regards to bloodlines and successors. Maybe they plan to place her, an indigenous woman, into power, to complete their plans for the white genocide.