might i suggest that instead of death penalty for those that has grossly violated human rights…. string em' up on a light pole with description of crime…. with a sign that says "please do not kill"……….. just sayin'….. that'll make them pos think twice……
oh yeah of course….free game for all…. in case someone misread….just thought I would put the obvious :P
aarrrggggg…. i don't think that works…. was thinking perhaps just for the bloodline members… but even then… it's just an entity/program/virus…….arrrrrgggggghhhhhhh……. need to call the ghostbusters…..
though I'm in canada eh!!!…. how can some peeps there not love that land……. video/song provided sure shows the spirit of it… (player expression)….there is definetly something tangible there…. the song… the person who conceived the idea for song…..the people there…..the land……. sure is something!!!