Q team I hope to God the "roundup" includes all members of secret societies. In Canada their power/inflience is too great. I have suffered 5 years of my life due to stalking set in place by freemasons. I can confirm at least 6 different families involved with satanic cult practices.
I never dove deep enough into researching this stuff until trump ran for president as he was very vocal about corruption. Some things began to click after learning. I wouldn't have woken up fully if it wasn't for Trump and Q
When I noticed my inlaw wearing a Masonic ring it struck me as very odd because I had no idea why a banker would be wearing cult insignia. It was his reaction to me acknowledging his ring that really made me uncomfortable. When I told him I saw that symbol before and I knew how old it was his face went from happy to complete rage. He gazed at me with complete and total hatred.
Fast forward a couple months:
I attended a family dinner with the in laws and my partner. Everyone was sitting at the dinner table gabbing about God knows what. When my partners uncle came in with his son and proclaimed that he just came from sacrificing a baby and it was his reason for being late. I was the only person who caught it. And believe.me when I say I caught it. There is absolutely NO way i misheard what was said. I know what I heard.
All of her uncles kids are "special" in the sense of being socially inept and just something wrong with them.
My partner shows signs of DID. She has the strangest dreams that have even stranger parallels to the occult.
I believe this movement I believe the danger is real. I'm fighting it head on
I cannot fathom the technological ability some top level agencies must have. I only have logic and reason to work with and I was able to stumble across these families.
You must know who these people are?
Please tell me the crackdown involves these hidden societies
God bless DJT & Q team may God be with you all to guide and protect you every waking second.