Anonymous ID: 57c30b Jan. 9, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4686393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6395 >>6457

Following up on whether JFK Jr. is alive, I have a personal experience with the related topic of whether Elvis staged his own death. In 1991 and 1992, actor/director Bill Bixby hosted a series of television shows titled The Elvis Files (1991) and The Elvis Conspiracy (1992). This was a time when TV programs abounded with 900 call-in numbers to query the TV audience for their input, and take their money because callers were charged a fee per call. I met Bill Bixby through my non-credited participation on those particular TV shows.


He had just acquired a home computer which included Prodigy and Compuserve consumer online services (like AOL, the first widely used internet portals with forum, BB and chat room features). He knew next to nothing about computer use, while I was an expert, so he asked me to teach him. Over the course of the next several months, I would meet with Bill at his Century City condo (next to Micheal Jackson) for computer lessons. On many nights, there was very little computer talk because he would much rather enjoy a fine dinner (prepared by his private chef), drinks, and talk. It was often a group event with his then wife, plus their assistant. Over that time he came to trust me with relating a number of Hollywood back stories. I do have personal pictures of some of those evenings, but have already shared them on social media, so I won't be posting them here. The accompanying collage is my way of verifying that Hwood period of my life, and a basis for the following.


The time I spent with Bill Bixby was just after his first Elvis Files show (August of 1991), and prior to the followup, The Elvis Conspiracy, which aired in January of 1992. One night, he was beside himself with excitement about the 2nd Elvis show in pre-production at the time. Someone (he wouldn't say who) called him a week ago, with a set of confidential photographs that he wanted Bill to see. He had just been handed those photographs.


Now, as a pretext, at that time I didn't have an opinion one way or the other, or care whether Elvis was dead or alive. Most of my time spent with Bill was just shmoozing. He was a significant Hwood friend/connection to have. Careers in Hwood are often built that way. I also knew the name of the game with those TV specials - they were intended to make money off the 900 calls from viewers. Some of those 900 shows back then were very shady and exploitative, while many had a legitimate product or service. Any show based on whether Elvis was dead or alive was certainly right on that line of exploitation. As Bill explained in the linked LA Times article, he had long been a friend of Elvis, and if anyone was qualified to host a show on that topic, it was Bill. He also did it to ensure that the show was not exploitative by presenting all the facts and theories in straight forward manner, with witnesses and experts, then letting the viewers draw their own conclusions.

Anonymous ID: 57c30b Jan. 9, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.4686395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6457


So back to that night. After making me swear I wouldn't tell a soul, he pulled out the pictures to show me, wanting to know what I thought. In pre-digital 3x5 printed form, like what you would get back from the drug store or film lab after giving them the negatives, it was a stack of perhaps 20 pictures, arranged to be viewed in a specific order. The first pictures were of Elvis singing on stage through the years, microphone in hand. Then followed a set of pictures of him standing with friends and fans, his arms around their shoulders. In some of those pictures were famous types like Ann Margaret, Sammy Davis Jr, Mick Jagger or whoever. Then a series of all those same pictures, but a closeup of his hand, with circles around a distinctive bend at one of the finger joints. They all had that distinctive bend.


Then came a series of pictures of people I didn't recognize, also standing with their arms around the other. From the clothing and hair styles, they were taken during the 80's. Bill asked me if I recognized anyone. That led me to believe I was expected to see someone familiar. As I looked at their faces, there was one 50+ guy who kinda sorta had an Elvis vibe to him. Same height and general shape…if it wasn't for that nose and shape of eyes… Huh. He also wasn't the center of attention in any of the pictures, he was just there, with his arms around other people's shoulders. Then came a series of close-ups of those same pictures, specifically focused on his hands. Woah, there's that same distinctive finger bend seen in the earlier Elvis photos! The more I looked, the people he was with had a kind of govt look to them. G men. Non-descript, ordinary, everyday people. His handlers in witness protection?


After looking at them, Bill asked, "Do you see who I see?" I asked, Who gave them to you? Are they part of the next show? He was zip-lipped about who gave them to him, and yes, they (Bill and show producers) were discussing the possibilities of using them. All theories aside, seeing is believing. I saw with my own eyes pictures that provided strong evidence for Elvis being alive and having gone through some sort of facial reconstruction. I walked away that night believing that was the case.


Oddly, the follow-up show titled The Elvis Conspiracy did not include those photos. Nor can I find any of them anywhere on the internet. After that evening when he showed me those pictures, Bill got busy with the follow-up show production, so our "computer lessons" came to an end. Through 1992 he was very busy directing TV, his marriage fell apart, and his cancer returned. He died in 1993 at age 59. I was never able to ask him any follow-up questions on the photos matter.


The complete Elvis Files video below should be watched as a primer for the discussion of how someone famous could (with help) stage their own death, and why.


The Elvis Files, hosted by Bill Bixby, 1991.


Elvis Conspiracy, 1992.


From the 2nd show, this is a clip clarifying a matter involving a photo from the first show. That in itself is interesting, and may be the reason why the follow-up pictures were not included. To avoid the charge of fraud, they corrected an Elvis sighting picture from the first show, so perhaps decided to not reveal those new photos at the risk of turning off the audience (less 900 calls) with additional photo controversy. Maybe on the next show, which ever happened because Bill died. More likely, they simply could not get permission from the secret person who gave Bill those photos. This is the only clip of that second show I can find.