Anonymous ID: 775784 Jan. 9, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.4686682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6706 >>6719 >>6754 >>6796

Holy shit…


Why hasn’t anyone thought to do this yet?


We can search all those demonrats on given their “history” hasn’t been erased by big brother.


Most celebrities and politicians rant and rave about having your dna tested and have even been on tv following their lineage to other parts of the world. “Oh look, I’m 1/1024 Viking!”


These people are stupid right? So let’s stsrt digging.


The site above offers a free 14 day trial. So, I’m thinking we use it for 13 days get the shit we need and cancel that bullshit.


What do we have to lose? Nothing!

What can we gain? Historical information about demonrats and their past…



-How did they get to America?

-Do they have ties to Russia/Germany/China

-Nazi relatives


The possibilities for digging are endless.


Just a reminder….everyone is related to someone who’s stupid enough to do and/or ancestory DNA.


People are dumb enough to say they are related to people with shady pasts regardless. “Oh wow, my great great uncle was Hitler!”


Catch my drift?


Diggggg on fellow patriots!

We should maybe start a thread dedicated to this…this could be huge!