Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.4686288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351 >>6407


Okay. The idea that trump was anointed by God and that he was put in place to take down this huge cabal began with a guy coming forward after Trump already won , and saying that he had been told by God before Trump won that he would win and that God had chosen him.


Now this sounded really good to evanglicals, they had been hoping to get someone in power who would overturn Roe v Wade. So they began telling other people that Trump was indeed chosen by God to return America to a moral nation.


Other people then saw that the evanglicals we're endorsing Trump, telling everybody that this was God's doing so they thought "well, these important men should know." And they embraced it. Then others seeing that's so many other people believed that Trump was being used by God. Believes that it must be true.


Going further, the fact that they were able to convince Trump to try to undo the pro-choice laws and him allowing them to have a say in government and place evanglicals in power who are seeking to advance God's kingdom through the government. Makes it obvious that because these things are happening Trump must be God's chosen one.


Further. The Q Anon community is saying that Trump is working to bring down a child pedophilia ring. So now he really really looks like he is a holy man. His evanglical cabinet takes pics of them laying hands on him…israel and tje evanglicals talk him into moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Which many think is going to help bring on the second coming of Jesus. And on and on and on.


So now everyone can cite all these things I just said as evidence that Trump must be God's chosen one. But those people acting that way all began because some guy on the internet claimed that he had a dream before Trump one telling him that Trump would win. Since the original claim was flimsey at best ( why didn't he come forward before Trump won and say that?) And no one even bothered digging deep into the guy's claim or his history. So the original claim was rubbish but now you have all these other incidental things that people can point to and say that is the proof.


The entire thing was based on a lie, but now it has so many "incidental" after the fact "evidences" it seems obvious it all must be true…but its not. The originalclaim that the other claims built on was false, so it is all false.


It's the same kind of thing with q anon.


See what I am saying?




>I understand all the things you guys have speculated on. I understand that you keep seeing things or "finding" clues out in the wide world, that reinforces the belief, but what i want to know is where is the evidence of the original premise to behin with? Please hear me out one last time. lll try to explain wjat I am getting at…


Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.4686441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526


Attacking me does not make what I just said smoke…that really happened. So now people come in much later and if you ask them to prove why Trump is God's anointed they will point to the Jerusalem thing the abortion thing the fact that evanglicals are embracing him, etc . As proof. But the fact is that all those things were done because someone said he was God's anointed without proof.

Otherwise The evanglicals might still have talked him into the Jerusalem move and he may have still went along with getting rid of pro-choice. But people would not have Associated them with him being God's anointed.


I understood you guys we're very Pro critical thinking. So why are you refusing to practice critical thinking?

Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.4686605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6619 >>6647 >>6743 >>6792


I am here because i care about people. I hate seeing people trodden on. And hoping to encourage some to think for themselves. Its not thinking for yourself if there is an entire movement you aren't allowed to question without being attacked mercilessly. A group that tells you not to allow yourself to test out the things you are being led to believe by the group, is a group who wants to controll your thinking and has something to hide.

Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.4686701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6720


No. I am not a saviour. I am simply trying to do what Christ ordered us to do. If we were not commissioned to teach, believe me, i could find other things to do with my time.

Most people do not use the scriptures to conform their life to its teachings, and when I do use them to try and teach them, they say I am judging. I am not judging either. Simply letting people know Gods views on matters. I have had to change things to conform to it…when i read the bi3bke I do it with a view of whether or not I'm doing what it says. But I don't feel judged buy it, just guided.

Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.4686780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6805


I have been. When i do that people accuse me of twisting the scriptures to …hurt them??? I dont know… I've been told more than once that the "devil also quote scripture". As a way to dismiss me. But that quote is not in the scriptures anywhere. So…theres that. I guess people will just say anything to refuse to dismiss things that don't back up their beliefs.

Anonymous ID: e5eb5e Jan. 9, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.4686860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6887 >>6908 >>6935 >>6970 >>6980


Deep state was a phrase coined long time ago by fear mongers. The Deep state is really just the rule of law or the system.


No, i am pointing put that is the way tjphe Qanon story has been built from the beginning. It's not new it's just pizzagate resurrected and on steroids. I've been watching this since pizzagate first started and I've been watching it evolve and since I'm not in it I that it is built on a base of sand.