Anonymous ID: f67de4 Jan. 9, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.4686546   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6572 >>6588 >>6599 >>6608 >>6613 >>6625 >>6629 >>6648 >>6773 >>6811 >>6929

Ok, let me ask you guys a question… I'm not asking if Q is a LARP, clearly Q+ is the President, clearly the Roths hate Trump, clearly they never thought he would lose, clearly there are indictments… But…


Does anyone really feel that this thing is going to take down the entire deep state and larger conspiracy at the rate it's going and such??


Unless something steps up, I just don't see it happening! it seems like it's stalled and they are just playing for time. I don't want to be right, but, seriously, in your bones, does it all seem like it's really going to happen?


Maybe this feeling is also what is keeping the deep state in a false sense of security… but, seriously, I can't really say I feel that this is all about to happen. We need those asshats brought down… But I don't know, something seems off. If I'm right, god forbid… Is there anything we can do? Riot like France? seems ineffective as Macron is still in power. Seriously, if we have to take these fuckers down ourselves..


I DO have an idea, a solution, really the only thing (short of technology, also my jam) that might work, but it requires that we make an alternative power structure to take over power.


But, maybe if there were anti-globalist yellow vest protests in the US right now, maybe no protests would be needed?


Maybe Trump is waiting for us to get mad and lose out shit and demand arrests loudly, so he want to disappoint us as part of the plan so we make it easier on him? In other words, he wants us pissed off and marching in the streets so he has justification for cleaning the swamp…

Anonymous ID: f67de4 Jan. 9, 2019, 4:37 p.m. No.4686673   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6739 >>6771


Yes, but without organizing, we can't really do that.



I'm not a part of it, and nothing I do should matter if they have it in hand. But, what if they don't have it in hand?


What I am asking is "what is plan B"?

Is plan B that we give up and die?


Is plan B (after Trump is no longer POTUS) that we protest/riot?


Is plan B that we form a new and alternative power structure to arrest and prosecute and take over?


What is plan B?

Anonymous ID: f67de4 Jan. 9, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.4686743   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6860 >>6886




In major agreement with you…




I assume your analogy is what you think Q/Trump/Military are doing to the Deep State/Cabal/Illuminati/Satanic fuckwits…


And, you might be right, I hope you are, badly!


But, what if you are wrong? I hope you aren't.

I'll agree that your argument makes sense, and probably are right…


But, if not, do we have any issue? Because if Q doesn't have the DS in a choke hold, then it's the Deep State that has up in one…