this says Capt. Mike Green was Mossad pilot for Jacob Rothschild and JR was taken out in the helicptor-cessna crash in Waddesdon last year November:
Was Jacob Rothschild Killed in a Plane Crash Last Year?
http:// operationdisclosure.blogspot .com/2018/02/was-jacob-rothschild-killed-in-plane.html
>The Cessna had been shadowing the Helicopter that was piloted by Mossad agent Captain Mike Green as JR's personal helicopter chauffeur. Every time it took off from Wycombe Air Park it was shadowed by the Cessna on that fateful day. They did not know the exact time of the pickup but knew only Captain Green would be trusted as the pilot.
>JR was not killed outright but succumbed to his injuries as the paramedics arrived. He lay dying, back broken in the tradition of a Mongol prince and suffering massive internal bleeding, gazing up at the tree tops swaying silently in a gentle breeze reviewing the tragedies and triumphs of his life that flashed before him as it happens to all men when the angel of death brushes aside the red shield at the door and enters our lives unexpectedly.