Anonymous ID: cb11a8 Jan. 9, 2019, 7:38 p.m. No.4689251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9295 >>9342 >>9369 >>9461

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Rick Scott Violated Brenda Snipes’ Constitutional Rights With Suspension


Mark Walker, a Federal Judge appointed by Barack Obama, ruled Wednesday night that former Florida Governor and current Senator, Rick Scott violated Brenda Snipes’ Constitutional rights when he suspended her.


US District Judge Mark Walker said that newly elected Florida Governor Ron DeSantis must give former Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes a “meaningful opportunity to be heard” in regards to her suspension by a March 31 deadline.


Mark Walker ruled that Rick Scott’s decision was an “effective termination” therefore violated Snipes’ due process rights, reported the Washington Times.


The Judge also acknowledged that he does not have the power to reinstate Snipes.


Attorneys for Rick Scott argued that the Florida Governor had the full authority to remove Snipes from office.


Rick Scott suspended Brenda Snipes in late November shortly after she turned in her resignation and was set to receive a hefty pension.


The very next day, Brenda Snipes rescinded her resignation and vowed to fight her suspension.


On Election night on November 6th, Broward County Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes reported 634,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.


On Friday morning Broward County Elections officials said 717,000 votes were cast in the midterm election in her county.


Broward County Democrats mysteriously manufactured 83,000 votes in two days!


We still have no explanation for how Snipes came up with all of these extra votes – which were all in favor for the Democrats.


Snipes is a corrupt Democrat with a long history of election fraud so it isn’t surprising that an Obama judge in Florida ruled in her favor.

Anonymous ID: cb11a8 Jan. 9, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.4689275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9338

Bank Of England Boss: China's Renminbi Will Rival The Dollar As Global Reserve Currency


The past year was full of events that inevitably split the global geopolitical space into two camps: those who still support using US currency as a universal financial tool, and those who are turning their back on the greenback.


Cont. from images:


Ultimately, a return to sound money is a solution that will do less damage than fiat currencies losing their purchasing power at an accelerating pace. Think Venezuela, and how sound money would solve her problems. But that path is blocked by a sink-hole that threatens to swallow up whole governments. Trying to buy time by throwing yet more money at an economy suffering a credit crisis will only destroy the currency. The tactic worked during the Lehman crisis, but it was a close-run thing. It is unlikely to work again.


Because China’s economy has had its debt expansion of the last ten years mostly aimed at production, if she fails to act soon she faces an old-fashioned slump with industries going bust and unemployment rocketing. China offers very limited welfare, and without Maoist-style suppression, faces the prospect of not only the state’s plans going awry, but discontent and rebellion developing among the masses.


For China, a gold-exchange yuan standard is now the only way out. She will also need to firmly deny what Western universities have been teaching her brightest students. But if she acts early and decisively, China will be the one left standing when the dust settles, and the rest of us in our fiat-financed welfare states will left chewing the dirt of our unsound currencies.