Anonymous ID: df1977 Jan. 9, 2019, 8 p.m. No.4689507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9544

Hidden Message in Aids video? Actually there are a few of them. … - Color coding - Red = Smears, and as such this is a rallying cry for aids to drum up a media hell for Trump his entire term. Thus when Obama talks about aids working For Years he means - Four Years.


Another code is him talking about the tapes of Aliens as rewards for those who help. He is referring to filmed experiment victims - the cult rewards members with viewings of the MK ultra victims (like the columbine shooters) being molded into killers and with that you can also understand the code in this video from the same broadcast. The media hell around Trump coverage that has been ensuing since then lends credence to them keeping their promises that night.


Having said all this you might wonder why such incredibly damning footage such as the columbine killers being molded into killers, if it exists, why hasn't it been made public till now? And the answer is media control, our side has been using the threat of releasing info this entire time to make the cult collapse - but to actually release such information would be handing power over to the cult - it may seem impossible but you have to recognize that the cult owns every avenue of everything - every newspaper


and this is the secret of the Q movement - having this line of communication with truth is the only thing that prevents the bad guys from taking control of all narratives. We know now that Alex Jones is a fraud, we know that Fox News has (despite being cleaned) a deep infiltration of mockingbird (at the very least Shepard Smith) - I believe ABC News is currently undergoing a similar cleaning. The MSM has to be dismantled before DECLAS - otherwise even tho it exposes the cult, simply the act of making things public gives those who control media power. This is why the cult controls both sides, because even if the truth is unveiled it doesn't matter - the sheep will only flock to the one screaming loudest against the cult - and they have made sure to plant every shepherd for that occasion. So rejoice - this solves the riddle doesn't it? Why things aren't public to the extent you'd like. And every-time a shill ignores the resignations and arrests and says nothing is being made public, well now you know why