ok i have a request that could make any half bad programmer/app maker some good money or just do a great service for all mankind
just discovered that there is a simple technice to relive vertigo
The person's head is kept facing the side worst affected by vertigo but now at a 30-degree angle, so that it is lifted slightly off the table. The doctor holds the person in this position for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, until their dizziness stops.
Rotate the person's head 90 degrees in the opposite direction, stopping when the opposite ear is 30 degrees away from the table. Again, the doctor holds the person in this position for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, until their dizziness stops.
Next, they roll the person in the same direction that they are facing, onto their side. The side that they experience the worst vertigo on will be facing upwards. The doctor holds the person in this position for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, until their dizziness stops.
Finally, the doctor brings the person back up to a sitting position.
The whole process is repeated up to three times, until the person's symptoms are relieved.
im sure any programmer app maker could set up an app to use a phone with vr googles
to confirm the head postions and do a timer with a pretty slide show as you do it