Holy shit this is red
meat for the Left wing
Muh evils white mans
Huff po calling the
Proud boys a street
This is it lads
The commie left
has mentally left
this plane of reality
Yea Magellan
What was he using?
A marker and some
note book paper?
Or was it the big scary
Ebay armored car that
really got you literally
not much…Kek
Sweet twos
E-bot has blown
a 10 amp clown
shill fuse…bleep
Muh President
Ter doing it wrong
The stripper is supposed
to lick YOUR POLE
and by pole I mean cock
What kind of fuckery
is this?
Wow we're going all
clown bot out tonight.
Truer words have
rarely been spoken
Soooo Comfy
KEK Toi boy
what a tool