Anonymous ID: 39bfbb MUST READ NOTABLE (PB) Jan. 10, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.4692543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In addition to this notable copied below, let me remind all that antifa is already planning riots the week of January 20, 2019.


Google antifa January Riots video on YouTube.


▶Anonymous 01/10/19 (Thu) 02:55:24 1b425f (1) No.4691549>>4691673 >>4691682 >>4691685 >>4691698 >>4691887 >>4692089 >>4692133 >>4692147 >>4692223 >>4692308



Q posted the watch picture on 1/5/19 in POST #2647 showing the watch hand at 3:14:40PM. It was resting on the light brown desk that appears to be from Laurel Cabin at Camp David with a reference to CD and a [1 year delta]. Remember Laurel and Yanny? Go look at old pics of Laurel Cabin and you can see this desk if you dig.

Interestingly, since Q says it is a [1 year delta], we should all go back one year relative to this CD meeting which takes us to POST #481 from 1/6/18 which is DIRECTLY related to POST #2647.

In this post, we see the exact same pen and desk, but not the watch. The Q post time stamp of the "watch-less" POST #481 is 3:14:22PM. The time showing on the actual "watch" in POST #2647 is 3:14:40PM. It looks like an 18 second delta but margin of error could allow for 17 seconds. Kek.

I believe the picture from POST #2647 was taken of the same desk and pen plus the watch about 18 seconds after POST #481 went live.

Premeditated. Talk about military planning at its finest. That means Q team was planning the most recent CD meeting and NatSec crisis down to the freaking second 1 year ago. Think about that. Who is in control?

And then on 1/6/18 a few minutes later at 3:18:50PM in the very next POST #482, Q says… [P_Pers] = POTUS Personal. Just enough time for POTUS to put his personal watch back on, put the camera away and have Q post another "future proves past" marker. Does [P_Pers] mean it is his personal watch? Easy enough for any reporter to ask?

The second hand delta of about 18 seconds is a mystery as it should be, but if we use Occam's razor and simply add 17-19 days to 1/5/19 we come to 1/22/19 through 1/24/19. Trump will be in Davos Switzerland those days.

We know that for optics and arrests, we need Trump abroad. We also know that riots will be planned if [RR] leaves as a pre-text for calling up the National Guard. That is in the news as of today. We know that SOTU is a few days later on 1/29/19. Probably a coincidence. Endless scenarios are plausible.

I will end with this crumb from about 1 year ago. 1/13/18 was when we first saw all the Julian Assange chess board POSTS.

Remember D5? Assange showed an image of chess move #24 from Capablana (translates literally to "white hat") versus Marshall (old guard black hat). The next move #25 was QF3 (Queen to Fox 3). Q confirmed that this move related to the miss[i]le splash.

What is the next move? Capablanca moves his white bishop to D5. Yes D5. In that famous chess game, Capablanca uses the distraction of this bishop in D5 to ultimately convert a quiet pawn into a second queen to defeat the black hat opponent by getting behind his defenses.

Is Mueller the D5 bishop that distracts black to allow white to sneak his pawn (Assange or Snowden?) behind the black defense to become a powerful queen? Who knows? But the [1 year delta] is coming up soon.

Then again D5 could be the death of 5 key players. Rothschild (1), McCain (2), Bush (3), RGB (4?), The Queen (5?). Theory for entertainment purposes only. Or do both have meaning. Or not. Hmmm.

Be like the 13th Cabinet Member from the movie World War Z. Your job is to consider and/or debunk every plausible scenario. No matter how contrarian. It's your duty if you want to ensure freedom for the next generation. That's being woke.
