YV Australia 19th of Jan in most capital cities.
Some locations are set and others are TBA (I think it's to stop counter-protests.)
Check on Facebook for the location in your city.
Here's one FB link that may have the details soon.
It's proving very difficult to organise Yellow Vest protests down here but we're trying.
The Facebook YV pages in Aus seem to be overrun with agents provocateur and 'Reclaim Australia' thugs calling for 'No more (insert country) immigration'.
This kind of sentiment is common down here and always gets called racist, Nazi, fascist by media and normies - they want us to fail. At a recent protest in Melbourne, protesters were literally giving Nazi salutes - as if to play right into the hands of the media. It was very disturbing.
The level of debate down here is woeful. 99% of Aussies are slaves to the media brainwashing. There is no viable alternative media even. It's such a shame.
But I hope the protests on the 19th and hopefully the following weekend on the 26th (Australia Day) will start things moving in the right direction.
Please pray for us.
Thank you frens.